
AuthorCraig Forcese; Kent Roach
Craig Forcese & Kent Roac h, “When Facing Terror, ere Are Limits to What Law
Can Achi eve” Globe and Mail ( October ), online: ww w.theglobeandma il.
com/globe-debate/when-fa cing-terror-there-are-l imits-to-what-law-ca n-achieve/
Part I of the Constitut ion Act, , being Schedule B to the Canada Act 
(UK), , c  [Charter].
Listi ngs of many of these articles ca n be found at www.antiterrorlaw.ca under
“op-eds and commentar y” and at www.law.utoronto.ca/news/prof-kent-roach-co-
creates-antiterrorlawca-experiment-in-lega l-scholarsh ip-done-in-real-time.
Onta rio Provincial Police, “Independent Investigation into the De ath of Michael
Zeha f-Bibe au” (June ), online: w ww.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/pubs/parl/opp-zb-en g.htm.
Janyce McGregor & Kady O’Ma lley, “Stephen Harper Makes His Case for New
Powers to Combat Terror” CBC News ( Januar y ), online: www.cbc.ca /news/
Mohamma d Fadel, “A Tale of Two Massacres: Charlie Hebdo and Utoya Isl and”
in Edward Iacobuc ci & Stephen Toope, eds, After the Paris At tacks: Responses in
Canada, Eur ope and Around the Globe (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, ).
“West Edmonton Mall reats Not a Conce rn for Cheerleading Competition”
CBC News ( March ), online: ww w.cbc.ca/news/canad a/edmonton/west-
edmonton-mal l-threat s-not-a-concern-for-cheerlea ding-competition-. .
Kady O’Ma lley & Kristen Everson, “Conservat ive Facebook Post on West
Edmonton Mall rea t ‘Troubling,’ Alberta ML A Says” CBC News ( March
), online: www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-facebook-post-on-west-
edmonton-mal l-threat-troubling-a lberta-m la-says-..
Stewart Bell, “Pak istani Man Accused in Toronto Bomb Plot Ordered Deported
after Being R uled a Danger to Canada” National Post ( June ), online: news.
In February ,  of respondents reportedly s upported Bill C- but this
declined to  in May . Among Ca nadians who reported following t he
debate about the law,  were opposed with  supportin g it. See “Bill C-:
Support Declines a fter Months of Protest, but Strong Majority Still Back s Anti-
terror Legislation” ( May ), online: Angus Reid Inst itute angusreid.org/
wp-content/uploads///..-Bill-C-.pd f. A June  poll suggested
that almost equ al proportions () supported and opposed () the bill,
with one-fth of voters e xpressing no opinion. See “Canadians s plit on Bill
C-” ( June ), online: Forum Poll poll.forumrese arch.com/post//
liberal-suppor t-for-bill-moves-some-votes-to-ndp/.
Kristy K irkup, “Bill C- hearings: Dia ne Ablonczy’s Questions to Muslim
Group ‘McCar thyesque” CBC News ( March  ), online: www.cbc.ca/
Ontario Provincial Police, above note ; House of Com mons, “House of
Commons Incident Response Sum mary” ( June ) at , online:
ww w.pa rl. gc. ca /abo ut/ hou se/n ews roo m/arti cle s/- - - Sum ma ry- e.p df ;
Royal Canad ian Mounted Police, “External Engag ement and Coordination:
Parliament Hill Incide nt on Oct ,  Af ter Action Review” ( April ),
online: ww w.rcmp-grc.gc.ca /pubs/parl/aar-er-eng.htm.
 Australi an and New South Wales Governments, “Marti n Place Siege: Joint
Commonwealth and Ne w South Wales Review ” (January ), online:
www.dpmc.gov.au/sites/default/les/publications/_Marti n_Place _Siege _
Revie w_.p df.
 Jean Chrétien et a l, “A Close Eye on Security Make s Canadians Safer” Globe an d
Mail ( February  ), online: ww w.theglobeand mail.com/globe-debate/
 Oxford Dictiona ries, online: ww w.oxforddictionar ies.com/denition/english/
 RSC , c C-.
 SC , c , s .
 SC , c , s .
 SC , c , s .
 SC , c .
 SC , c .
 SC , c .
 SC , c .
 United Nations Security Council, S/RES/. For an examination of this
resolution and some early responses to it, see Kent Roach, ed, Comparative
Counter-terrorism Law (New York: Cambridge University Press, ).
Endnotes to Chapter Two: Histo ry
 “CSIS and RCMP One Vision: An Operational Approach to Intelligence and
Evidence” undated powerpoint presentation. Access to Information Request
 R v Khawaja,  SCC .
 Re Section . of the Crim inal Code,  SCC  at para .
Onta rio Provincial Police, “Independent Investigation into the De ath of Michael
Zehaf-Bibeau October  , , Centre Block, Parliament Hill, Ot tawa, Canada”
(), online: www.rcmp-grc.gc.c a/pubs/parl/opp-zb-eng.pdf.
Canadia n Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Socie ty, “TSAS
Canadia n Incident Database (CIDB) Initial Analy sis of Downtown Ottawa and
Canadia n Military Attacks,” online: w ww.tsas.ca/les///TSA S-CIDB-
Canad ian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security a nd Society, Incident
Database, Incident Det ails: , citing A Kellet t et al, Terrorism in
Canada  –, User Report No -, (Ottawa: Solicitor Gener al Canada,
National Securit y Coordination Centre, Police and Securit y Branch, ) at .
Criminal Code, RSC , c C-, s ..
See R v Kha waja,  SCC  [Khawaja].
See Michelle Shephard, “Rig ht-Wing Extremism a Greater reat i n North
Amer ica” Toronto Star ( Jun e ).
“MPs Rap MacKay’s Terrorism References,” Halifax Chronicle Herald (
Febr uary  ).
See Mohammad Fadel, “A Tale of Two Massacres: Charlie Hebdo and Utoya
Island” in E dward Iacobucci & Stephen Toope, eds, After the Paris Atta cks:
Responses in Canad a, Europe and around the Globe (Toronto: University of Toronto
Press, ) at ; Tristin Hopper, “Suspects in Hali fax Mass Shooting Plot Had
Obsession with Nazi Symb ols, Columbine Massacre” National Post ( Februar y
), online: http://news.nationa lpost.com/news/canada/acc used-in-halifax-ma ss-
shooting-plot-had-obsession-with-na zi-symbols-columbine-massacre.
Bill C-, An Act to enact th e Security of Canada Information Sh aring Act and
the Secure Air Travel Act, to ame nd the Criminal Code, the Canadian S ecurity
Intelligence Servic e Act and the Immigration and Refugee Prot ection Act and to
make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, d Sess,  st Parl, 
(assented to  June ), SC , c .
 See Trac Injury Resea rch Foundation, Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions in
Canada (Aug ust ), online: htt p://tirf.ca /publication s/PDF_publications/
WildlifeVehicle_Col lision_Deliverable _Eng_.pdf.
 See United States Depar tment of Transportation, Trac Safety Fact s 
(December ), online: w ww-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/TSF.pdf.
 See omson Reuters, “New Sec urity Bill Aimed at Combating ‘L one Wolf’
Terrorist Attacks Comin g is Week” CBC News ( January ), online: ww w.
cbc.ca/news/politics/new-secur ity-bill-aimed-at-combatin g-lone-wolf-attack s-
comin g-this-week-..
 William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun (New York: Vintage Books,  ) at .

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