Enhancing Innovativeness: The Role of Dynamic Marketing Capabilities

AuthorDavid Roach,Joel Ryman,Rosalind Jones,Hannah Ryman
Published date01 December 2018
Date01 December 2018
Enhancing Innovativeness: The Role of Dynamic
Marketing Capabilities
David Roach
Dalhousie University
Joel Ryman*
East Tennessee State University
Rosalind Jones
Birmingham University
Hannah Ryman
Clemson University
The gap between the relatively static marketing resources of a
f‌irm and the turbulent marketplace is growing in importance
for both practitioners and academics alike. This paper
explores how marketing capabilities, specif‌ically market
orientation, work synergistically with other organizational
capabilities to form dynamic marketing capabilities that
enhance f‌irm innovativeness. Findings indicate that a tight
integration between the technical and marketing functions of
af‌irm creates a fertile transformation point, where market
orientation infusesthe innovation process. Market orientation
interacts with these integrated capabilities to form a dynamic
marketing capability that enhances the organizations
innovativeness. Implications include how these dynamic mar-
keting capabilities differ between service and manufacturing
f‌irms, where only the cultural aspects of market orientation
enhance performance in service f‌irms. Copyright © 2018
ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: dynamic capabilities, innovativeness, market
orientation, SMEs, marketing and technical function
Les praticiens et les universitaires sintéressent de plus en
plus à lécart entre les ressources marketing relativement
statiques dune entreprise et le marché agité. Les auteurs
de cet article examinent comment les capacités de market-
ing, en particulier lorientation vers le marché, fonctionnent
en synergie avec dautres capacités organisationnelles pour
former des capacités de marketing dynamiques qui
améliorent linnovation des entreprises. Les résultats
indiquent quune intégration étroite entre les fonctions tech-
niques et marketing dune entreprise crée un point de trans-
formation fertile, où lorientation vers le marché imprègne
le processus dinnovation. Lorientation vers le marché
interagit avec ces capacités intégrées pour former une
capacité de marketing dynamique qui rehausse le caractère
innovateur de lorganisation. Lune des implications de nos
résultats a trait à la différence qui existe entre les capacités
dynamiques de commercialisation des entreprises
manufacturières et celles des entreprises de services. Dans
ces dernières, seuls les aspects culturels de lorientation vers
le marché améliorent la performance. Copyright © 2018
ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Mots-clés: capacités dynamiques, capacité dinnovation,
orientation vers le marché, PME, marketing et intégration
des fonctions techniques
Marketing orientation (MO), with its extensive pedigree
in the academic literature, is generally agreed to be a core ca-
pability of modern organizations. Marketing and innovation
have also enjoyed a strong link within management
literature, with many authors investigating the relationship
between these two fundamental capabilities (Morgan,
Vorhies, & Mason, 2009; Ketchen, Hult, & Slater, 2007;
Hult, Ketchen, & Slater, 2005; Hult & Ketchen, 2001). This
relationship goes beyond academic literature, with practi-
tioners often suggesting that these are the basic functions
of the business enterprise. According to Drucker (1954), an
orientation toward marketing involves knowing and under-
standing the customer, while innovation is the ability to pro-
vide a different product (or service), which ultimately
creates new satisfaction. This occurs through a process of es-
tablishing current and future customer needs, which ulti-
mately shape the nature and scope of innovation and new
product development (Bruni & Verona, 2009; Fang & Zou,
*Please address correspondence to: Joel Ryman, East Tennessee State
University, Department of Management and Marketing, Box 70625,
Johnson City, Tennessee, 37914, USA. Email: ryman@etsu.edu
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Revue canadienne des sciences de ladministration
35: 563576 (2018)
Published online 22 January 2018 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/CJAS.1473
Can J Adm Sci
35(4), 563576 (2018)Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 563

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