Exploring the link between management communication and emotions in mergers and acquisitions

Date01 March 2018
AuthorVerena Kusstatscher,Rudolf R. Sinkovics,Stefan Zagelmeyer,Noemi Sinkovics
Published date01 March 2018
Exploring the link between management
communication and emotions in mergers and
Stefan Zagelmeyer
The University of Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business
Rudolf R. Sinkovics*
The University of Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business
School; Lappeenranta University of Technology
Noemi Sinkovics
The University of Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business
Verena Kusstatscher
Varani Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
News on merger and acquisition (M&A) activities frequently
dominate the popular business press. While the announce-
ment of an M&A usually elicits enthusiasm in the business
community, it also results in increased levels of uncertainty,
stress,and anxiety for employees. Based on a qualitativeanal-
ysis of four international M&A cases, this paper integrates
emotions and communication during mergers and acquisi-
tions in a conceptual framework. We argue that management
communication and informationf‌lows during all stages of an
M&A process represent affective events, which in a cognitive
appraisal process trigger positive and negative emotions.
These in turn may inf‌luence employee attitudes, behaviour,
and performance, and ultimately also M&A success. Copy-
right © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: communication, emotions, M&As, international
La presse économique est fréquemment dominée par des in-
formations portant sur les activités de fusion et dacquisition
(désormais M&A). Sil est vrai que lannonce dune M&A
suscite de lenthousiasme dans le monde des affaires, il nen
demeure pas moins quelle provoque, chez les employés, des
niveaux élevés dincertitude, de stress et danxiété. Dans cet
article, nous nous appuyons sur une analyse qualitative de
quatre cas internationaux de M&A pour intégrer, dans un
cadre conceptuel, les émotions et la communication pendant
les fusions et les acquisitions. Nous soutenons que la gestion
de la communication et des f‌lots dinformation pendant les
différentes étapes dun processus de M&A représentent des
évènements affectifs qui, dans un processus dappréciation
cognitive, créent des émotions positives ou négatives.
Celles-ci pourraient inf‌luencer, à leur tour, les attitudes, les
comportements et les rendements des employés, et, en f‌inde
compte, la réussite de la M&A.
Mots-clés : communication, émotions, M&As, commerce
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have been waxing and
waning over the past decades. Buckley and Ghauri (2002)
claimed that f‌ive merger waves characterized the world eco-
nomic scene in the 20
century that would be followed by
two further waves before and after the f‌inancial crisis in 2008
(Weber, Teerikangas,Rouzies, & Tarba, 2012). Yet, the public
and management discourse reports poor performance of
M&As, despite a lack of conclusive empirical research evi-
dence (Risberg & Meglio, 2012).
As people-management issues are considered to be re-
sponsible for between one-third and one-half of all failures
(Cartwright & Cooper, 1993), the human side has become
quite prominent in recent M&A research (Angwin, Mellahi,
Acknowledgements: We gratefullyacknowledgeinsightful comments received
fromFang Lee Cooke from Monash Unive rsityin Melbourne. W e are also grateful
to seminar participants at the Comparative and International Business Research
Centre (CIBER) seminars at The University of Manchester, Alliance Manchester
Business School (http://www.mbs.ac.uk/ciber).
*Please address correspondence to: Rudolf Sinkovics, The University of
Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business School, Booth Street West,
Manchester M15 6 PB, United Kingdom. Email: Rudolf.Sinkovics@man-
chester.ac.uk http://www.manchester.ac.uk/research/rudolf.sinkovics
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Revue canadienne des sciences de ladministration
35:93106 (2018)
Published online 2 June 2016 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/CJAS.1382
Can J Adm Sci
35(1), 93106 (2018)Copyright © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 93

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