
AuthorM.H. Ogilvie
The interaction of law and religion in relation to health ha s largely
been concerned with the beg inning and end of life in th is world and
has traditionally been regulated by the cr iminal law, which historically
sought to uphold Christian beliefs about the sa nctity of life as a divine
gift to be given and taken aga in by God. The Criminal Code continue s to
make provision for matters relating to suicide, the preservation of life,
and the right to die. While the orig inal reason for the crimina lization of
these matters was theological, in recent years their legal consideration
has been largely secul arized and const itutionalized after t he introduc-
tion of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Thus, the abortion
provisions of the Code have been found to be an infringement of sec-
tion 7 of the Charter1 and legal issues at the end of life have been said
to be protected because they ref‌lect “fundamental values” in Canadian
society,2 without a court stating either what those values are or their
ultimate source. The courts no longer frame these issues as issues in
moral theology, rather as issues of secular law, so no further discu ssion
is possible in a legal text. But for religious people of all fait hs, they con-
tinue to be so considered and practi sed in daily life.
1 For a discuss ion of these, see, generally, chapter 5, section s M–P.
2Rodriguez v. A.G. B.C., [1993] 3 S.C.R. 519.

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