
AuthorVern Krishna
T after a page number indi cates a table
“Accelerating the booking of contracts”
jargon, 303
Accounting. See also Financial state-
ments; Tax accounting
about, 1–4
accrual basis met hod, 42–45, 75–76,
248–50, 253–54
annual report ing, 74–75
cash basis meth od, 42–45, 75, 366– 68
characterization and classi fication,
communication language, 18–19
concepts, 68–86
conservatism, 79–81
consistency, 78–79
equation, 3, 37, 207, 241
expanded formula , 241
expense recognition, 253–56
fair value principle , 85–86, 250–51
finance principles, vs, 122
fines and penalties, 100
forensic, 10, 12
fraud cases, 2 48, 252, 253, 334–37,
full disclosure principle, 84
his tory, 2–4
informational vs stewardship report-
ing, 16–17
installment sal es accrual method,
jargon language, 302–5
management role, 91–92
matching principle, 77–78, 253–54
materiality, 82–84, 265–69
methods, 42–45
misconceptions, 86
mixed-attribute model, 140–41
paper gains recognition, 250
percentage of completion method,
principles and st andards, 14–15,
79–84, 87–101, 122 , 250
public accountants, 16
regulatory agencies, 90–91
reverse stock split s, 219–20
roles, 16
three Cs, 17 –19
timing, 74–77
unreasonable exp enses, 100
Accounting firms. See also Auditors;
Securities fraud
duty of care st andards, 349–50
legal settlements, 333–34
misrepresentation, 350–51
reputation, 9, 92 , 352
Accounting Principles Board, 80
498 Financial Skills for Professionals
Accounting statements. See Financial
Accounts payable, 1 81, 182, 274, 324
Accounts receivable, 143–47
about, 143–44
ageing, 145
assignment of, 146
bad debts, 145–46
cash vs accrual me thod, 43
examples, 145
notes receivable, 147
reporting, 14 4
tax accounting, 146–47
turnover ratio form ula, 328–29
Accrual basis accounting method
cash basis accounting method, vs,
examples, 44–45, 7 5–76
matching principles, 253–54
tax considerations, 366, 367, 368–69
variations, 248–50
Activit y ratios, 327–29
about, 327–28
summary list, 331–32
turnover, 327–29
Adjusted cost ba se (ACB), 206, 230,
232, 235, 413, 4 14
“Aggressive accounting” jargon, 303
Air Canada, 302
Air India, 13
Allied Crude Vegetabl e Oil and Refining
Corp fraud, 34 2
Amazon Inc, 177
American Inst itute of Certified Public
Accountants (AICPA), 15, 234–35
American Telephone & Telegraph
(AT&T ), 3 00
Amortizatio n, 178, 179, 195, 273,
Anaconda American Brass L td v MNR
case, 164–66, 37 5
Anns v Merton London Borough Council
case, 350–51
about, 111
annuity cert ain, 112
annuity due, 113–14
education fund, 11 4
examples, 112–14 , 415–17, 418–19
forms of, 111–12
future value tabl e, 126T–27T
joint life, 112
ordinary, 112–13
present value, 125T, 418
rate of increase, 4 17
single life annuity, 111
tax considerations, 418–19
valuation, 415–17
Annuity cer tain, 112
Annuity due, 113–14
Antar, Eddie, 342–44
AOL Time Warner, 301
Apple Inc, 319
Archimedes (scientific fraud auditor),
Art (inventor y valuation), 163–64
Arthur Ander sen LLP, 9, 92, 336–37,
Assets, 1 40–79. See also Current assets
about, 22, 2 4–25, 130–31
amortization, 178, 179
balance sheet, 130–31, 140–79
categories, 135–36
constant dollar value, 71–72
copyright, 178
fixed, 135–36, 166–76
goodwill, 177–78, 300–1
historical costs accounting, 72–74
inta ngible , 176–77, 178–79
intellectual pr operty, 176–77, 178–79
long-term investments, 135–36
patents, 178, 179
return on invested c apital (ROIC),
trademarks, 179
turnover ratio form ula, 328
write-downs , 298–99, 300, 301
Audit report (auditor’s opinion), 286–95.
See also Financial statements
about, 35–36, 286

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