Intentional Torts

AuthorPhilip H. Osborne
A. Introduction
The tort of negligence is complemented by a number of independent,
named (nominate) torts that deal with the intentional interference with
the person, property (land and chattels), and economic interests. The
tort of negligence and the intentional torts are, however, divided by
more than the degree of culpability of the defendant’s conduct. There
are significant differences in form, substance, and policy between these
two regimes of tortious responsibility. Identification of some of these
differences will enhance an understanding of the nature and function
of the intentional torts.
The tort of negligence is a modern tort. It is essentially a product
of the twentieth century. The basic structure of some of the nominate
intentional torts is centuries old. While there was some modification of
them in the twentieth century, the general outlines of liability have
been clear for a long time.
The tort of negligence is a tort of broad and general application. It
focuses primarily on the quality of the defendant’s conduct and is, con-
sequently, inherently ubiquitous in its range of application. Most of the
intentional torts are quite narrow in scope. They are restricted to close-
ly defined fact patterns and particular categories of damage. This
reflects the cautious and incremental development of the early com-
mon law, which focused on discrete categories of wrongs with clearly
identifiable boundaries.
Intentional Torts
chapter 4
The tort of negligence is characterized by general principles and
the use of highly discretionary concepts such as reasonableness and
foreseeability. The nominate intentional torts are defined by rules that
tend to be more precise, narrow, and rigid than the negligence princi-
ples. Indeed, some seem to have been elevated to a status akin to statu-
tory provisions.
The tort of negligence underwent a transition in the twentieth cen-
tury from a limited number of duties of care arising from discrete cat-
egories of relationships to an unlimited number of duties arising from
a general conception of relationships based on the reasonable foresee-
ability of harm to others. This process has not occurred in the inten-
tional torts. The courts have been slow in generalizing and integrating
the discrete intentional torts into a more coherent and cohesive system
of general principles.1
The tort of negligence is dynamic, expansionary, and largely reflec-
tive of current public attitudes and policies. It displays a vitality and
capacity for vigorous growth that is not mirrored in the intentional
torts. The intentional torts tend to be static and are, in the main, char-
acterized by convention, orthodoxy, and conservatism. The courts have
been slow to discard historical technicalities, and there has been a
reluctance to recognize new interests deserving of protection from
intentional interference such as the interests in privacy, equality, peace
of mind, dignity, and fair market practices. This has prompted some
legislatures to fill the void with privacy legislation, human rights codes,
and legislation policing the marketplace.
Liability insurance and loss distribution policies are central to the
development, operation, and expansion of the tort of negligence. As a
rule, liability insurance does not cover intentional damage. Conse-
quently, the intentional torts operate more as a conventional loss-shift-
ing system emphasizing corrective justice and allocating responsibility
between the individual litigants. This enhances the punitive, deterrent,
and educational functions of the intentional torts and encourages a
greater emphasis on the accountability of individual defendants for
culpable wrongdoing. The downside of the absence of liability insur-
ance is that the victims of intentional wrongdoing are much less likely
to receive adequate compensation for their losses. Consequently, the
victims of intentional wrongdoing are forced to place much more
reliance on their own first-party (loss) insurance and on governmental
Intentional Torts 223
1 The only exception is the nascent tort of intentional interference with economic
interests by unlawful means, which may lead to an integration of various busi-
ness torts within a general principle.
compensation schemes. The availability of these alternative means of
compensation depends greatly on the kind of damage that is suffered.
Persons suffering physical injury often have no first-party disability
insurance and they therefore need to rely greatly on the no-fault crim-
inal injury compensation schemes or on the social welfare system.
Those who suffer intentional property loss or damage will often have
first-party insurance and generally will have little need to rely on tort
law. Some economic losses suffered by commercial entities may be cov-
ered by business interruption insurance. In the business arena, howev-
er, defendants who cause economic loss are more likely to be capable
of paying damages.
All these characteristics of the intentional torts have a subtle but
significant effect on the amount of litigation arising from intentional
conduct, on the practical significance of the intentional torts as com-
pensatory vehicles, and on the general vitality of this area of tort law.
B. The Meaning of Intention
In tort law the culpability of the defendant’s conduct is defined with
reference to the consequences of that conduct. Negligence is conduct
that gives rise to a foreseeable and substantial risk of its consequences.
As the likelihood of the consequences increases, the conduct of the
defendant may be described first as grossly negligent and then as reck-
less.2Conduct is not, however, intentional unless the defendant either
desires the consequences of his conduct or the consequences are sub-
stantially certain to result from the conduct.
The first definition of intentional conduct is intuitive. Intent com-
monly connotes a subjective desire to cause the consequences of one’s
actions. When one person stabs another he wants to injure him. The
injury is said to be caused with actual intent. Conduct is also intention-
al if the consequences, while not desired, are substantially certain to
result from the defendant’s conduct. Imagine, for example, a defendant
who shot into a crowd of people, hitting and injuring B. He cannot
avoid liability for the intentional infliction of harm to B by claiming
that he meant to hit C. It was substantially certain that he would injure
224 The Law of Torts
2 These concepts play no significant role in tort law. At common law they are
drawn within the umbrella concept of negligence. There are, however, some leg-
islative provisions that require the proof of gross negligence or recklessness in
order to establish a statutory cause of action.

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