
AuthorMark Bourrie
I went to law school aer working in the media for more than thirty
years. My journalism had been published in Canada’s best newspapers
and in magazines, including legal publications. I was fortunate enough
to have taught at one of the country’s largest journalism schools. Jour-
nalism is a great way to make a living. Journalists are eyewitnesses to
history on large and small stages. ey get to satisfy their curiosity on
someone else’s dime and to learn how things work. It’s a fantastic way
to make a living and, like most journalists, I probably would have done
it for free.
I believe journalists have an obligation to keep themselves educated
and informed. As professionals, they need continuing education that
keeps them up to date on important issues and on changes to their cra.
ey also need some expertise on the issues they cover. In the mid-twenti-
eth century, journalists explained the world to readership that had grade
school and high school educations. Now, the typical reader and viewer
has a university education, some technical or academic expertise, and
easy access to information from media sources throughout the world.
Many can’t be blued by reporters and opinionists who don’t know their
le. Journalists who aren’t keeping up, or who are not bringing some-
thing new to the table, are likely to nd their careers stalled. is is espe-
cially true as more people realize the value of solid journalism. People
with access to high-quality information will get ahead. ose who won’t
or can’t keep well-informed will stagnate socially and economically. So

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