Low- and high-income earners; annual income over $150,000

AuthorJulien D. Payne - Marilyn A. Payne
e provincial or territorial tables under the Federal Child Suppor t Guidelines have a mi n-
imum annual income or poverty t hreshold below which no f‌ixed amount of basic child
support is paya ble and any existing order should be termi nated. In these circumst ances,
however, a court may direct the non-custodial parent to provide the custod ial parent or the
provincia l maintenance enforcement of‌f‌ic e with f‌inancial statements at designated interval s.
Where a parent is relieved of the legal obligation to pay the basic amount of table sup-
port because his or her income fal ls below the minimum threshold, a court may also reject
any claim to expenses u nder section  of the Federal Child Support Guidelines even though
“means” under section () of the Guidelines is a broader concept than income earning ca-
pacity in that “means” includes all of a person’s pecuniar y resources, capital assets, income
from employment or earning capacity, and any other source from which a person receives
gains or benef‌its, together with, in certain circumst ances, money which the person does
not have in possession but which is available to that person. e fact that the Guideli nes do
not prescribe a basic child support payment for parents with income below the mini mum
threshold ref‌lects the realit y that everyone requires a certain a mount of money simply to
survive. It would appear to be irrationa l if a parent who is unable to pay the base level of
Sampson v. Sampson, [] A.J. No.  (Q.B.); Adamson v. Adamson, [] B.C.J. No.  (C.A.);
Smith v. Smith, [] B.C.J. No.  (S.C.) (a court is not entitled to t ake the parent’s new spouse’s in-
come into account); Mabbett v. Mabbe tt, [] N.S.J. No.  (S.C.); Larkin v. Jamieson, [] P.E.I.J. No.
 (S.C.); R.B.K. v. A.M.K., [] S.J. No.  (Q.B.); compare Uto v. Szemok, [] B.C.J. No.  (S.C.).
Oliver v. Oliver, [] A.J. No.  (Q.B.); istle v. ompson, [] N.J. No.  (S.C.) (prospective a nd
retroactive va riation with partia l remission of arrears); P.M. v. D.J.T., [] O.J. No.  (S.C.J.); Gershon
v. Shu lson, [] S.J. No.  (Q.B.).
Oliver v. Oliver, [] A.J. No.  (Q.B.); P.M. v. D.J.T., [] O.J. No.  (S.C.J.); Gershon v. Shulson,
[] S.J. No.  (Q.B.).
Dietz v. Dietz, [] S.J. No.  (Q.B.).

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