Monday’s Mix

DateMay 20, 2019

Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.

This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Family Health Law Blog 2. Canadian Privacy Law Blog 3. Kate Dewhirst 4. Great LEXpectations 5. Environmental Law and Litigation

Family Health Law Blog
Can your ex legally refuse to vaccinate your kids?

An Ontario man, AP, entered family law arbitration to advocate for the vaccination of his children, which his ex-wife opposed. Arbitrators are used to settle disputes, usually on a confidential basis. Both of the man’s children contracted whooping cough during the course of the legal proceedings. It appears he thought his case was fail-safe.

Canadian Privacy Law Blog
Presentation: What’s new in cross-border digital evidence gathering for criminal investigations?

I was invited to present at the High Technology Crime Investigation Association’s first annual Canadian Cyber Summit. I spoke about recent issues and trends in cross-border criminal investigations originating in Canada, starting with the current state of affairs and the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty regime, issues caused by blocking statutes and what the CLOUD Act will mean for Canadian investigators.

Kate Dewhirst
Ontario Health Teams Wave 1: Privacy and culture shift supports during your transition

You and your community have signed up to be a Wave 1 Ontario Health Team. Does it feel like you are on a roller coaster? You signed up. You’ve strapped yourself into the seat. You’ve turned the first corner and you hear the “kk-chug”. You start the steep, jerky climb. up. up. up. You are…

Great LEXpectations
Decision of the Week – Employer Charged With Workplace Fatality

This week’s decision comes from Nova Scotia. I found there were two very interesting facets to it that warranted bringing to the attention of members in Manitoba. R. v. Hoyeck, 2019 NSSC 7 concerns an employer who was charged with failing to take reasonable steps to prevent bodily harm to an employee. The trial began before a judge and jury, but after two days, the jury was dismissed.

Environmental Law and Litigation
Ontario Government Continues Roll-out of the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016

Proposed regulations under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016(RRCEA) for recycling of...

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