Pacific National Investments Ltd. v. Victoria (City), 2000 SCC 64
Jurisdiction | Federal Jurisdiction (Canada) |
Judge | Gonthier, Charles Doherty; Iacobucci, Frank; Major, John C.; Bastarache, Michel; Binnie, William Ian Corneil; Arbour, Louise; LeBel, Louis |
Citation | 2000 SCC 64,[2000] 2 SCR 919,263 NR 1,[2001] 3 WWR 1,[2000] SCJ No 64 (QL),JE 2001-64,15 MPLR (3d) 1,144 BCAC 203,83 BCLR (3d) 207,193 DLR (4th) 385,AZ-50081700 |
Docket Number | 27006 |
Court | Supreme Court (Canada) |
Date | 14 December 2000 |
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120 practice notes
Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada v. Canada (Attorney General), [2012] 3 SCR 660
...[1993] 1 S.C.R. 980; Sorochan v. Sorochan, [1986] 2 S.C.R. 38; Pacific National Investments Ltd. v. Victoria (City), 2000 SCC 64, [2000] 2 S.C.R. 919. Statutes and Regulations Cited Act to amend the Civil Service Superannuation Act, S.C. 1944‑45, c. 34, s. 6. Act to amend the Militia Pensio......
Montréal (Ville) v. Octane Stratégie inc., 2019 SCC 57
...2012 QCCS 1994 ; Beaudry v. Cité de Beauharnois, [1962] B.R. 738; Pacific National Investments Ltd. v. Victoria (City), 2000 SCC 64 , [2000] 2 S.C.R. 919; Tremblay v. 2543‑7443 Québec inc., 1999 CanLII 11903; Steckmar Corp. v. Consultants Zenda ltée, 2000 CanLII 18061; Young v. Young, [19......
Can. 3000 Inc. (Bankrupt), Re, (2004) 183 O.A.C. 201 (CA)
...208 N.R. 161; 193 A.R. 321; 135 W.A.C. 321, refd to. [paras. 192, 230]. Pacific National Investments Ltd. v. Victoria (City) et al., [2000] 2 S.C.R. 919; 263 N.R. 1; 144 B.C.A.C. 203; 236 W.A.C. 203, refd to. [para. First Vancouver Finance v. Minister of National Revenue et al., [2002] 2 S.......
R. v. Resolute FP Canada Inc., 2019 SCC 60
...3 S.C.R. 189 ; Wells v. Newfoundland, [1999] 3 S.C.R. 199 ; Pacific National Investments Ltd. v. Victoria (City), 2000 SCC 64 , [2000] 2 S.C.R. 919; Andrews v. Canada (Attorney General), 2014 NLCA 32 , 354 Nfld. & P.E.I.R. 42 ; Rio Algom Ltd. v. Canada (Attorney General), 2012 ONSC......
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110 cases
Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada v. Canada (Attorney General), [2012] 3 SCR 660
...[1993] 1 S.C.R. 980; Sorochan v. Sorochan, [1986] 2 S.C.R. 38; Pacific National Investments Ltd. v. Victoria (City), 2000 SCC 64, [2000] 2 S.C.R. 919. Statutes and Regulations Cited Act to amend the Civil Service Superannuation Act, S.C. 1944‑45, c. 34, s. 6. Act to amend the Militia Pensio......
Montréal (Ville) v. Octane Stratégie inc., 2019 SCC 57
...2012 QCCS 1994 ; Beaudry v. Cité de Beauharnois, [1962] B.R. 738; Pacific National Investments Ltd. v. Victoria (City), 2000 SCC 64 , [2000] 2 S.C.R. 919; Tremblay v. 2543‑7443 Québec inc., 1999 CanLII 11903; Steckmar Corp. v. Consultants Zenda ltée, 2000 CanLII 18061; Young v. Young, [19......
Can. 3000 Inc. (Bankrupt), Re, (2004) 183 O.A.C. 201 (CA)
...208 N.R. 161; 193 A.R. 321; 135 W.A.C. 321, refd to. [paras. 192, 230]. Pacific National Investments Ltd. v. Victoria (City) et al., [2000] 2 S.C.R. 919; 263 N.R. 1; 144 B.C.A.C. 203; 236 W.A.C. 203, refd to. [para. First Vancouver Finance v. Minister of National Revenue et al., [2002] 2 S.......
R. v. Resolute FP Canada Inc., 2019 SCC 60
...3 S.C.R. 189 ; Wells v. Newfoundland, [1999] 3 S.C.R. 199 ; Pacific National Investments Ltd. v. Victoria (City), 2000 SCC 64 , [2000] 2 S.C.R. 919; Andrews v. Canada (Attorney General), 2014 NLCA 32 , 354 Nfld. & P.E.I.R. 42 ; Rio Algom Ltd. v. Canada (Attorney General), 2012 ONSC......
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2 firm's commentaries
Stop Order Runs Loose In Kneehill County
...on the enjoyment of property should be interpreted rigourously and strictly ..." National Pacific Development Ltd. v. Victoria (City) [2000] SCC 64 [2000] 2 SCR 919 at para. 26 There can be little more confiscatory than requiring an individual to apply her capital and her time to a cause ag......
Stop Order Runs Loose In Kneehill County
...on the enjoyment of property should be interpreted rigourously and strictly ..." National Pacific Development Ltd. v. Victoria (City) [2000] SCC 64 [2000] 2 SCR 919 at para. 26 There can be little more confiscatory than requiring an individual to apply her capital and her time to a cause ag......
8 books & journal articles
...v Registrar of Vancouver Land Registration District (1955), 15 WWR 351 (BCCA). In Pacific National Investments Ltd v Victoria (City) , [2000] 2 SCR 919, the Supreme Court of Canada held that an implicit agreement with a developer under which a municipality undertakes not to change the zoni......
General Principles of Interpretation
...219 A senior manager was held subject to 214 Marinangeli v Marinangeli (2003), 228 DLR (4th) 376 (Ont CA) [ Marinangeli ]. 215 (2000), 193 DLR (4th) 385 (SCC). 216 A subsequent claim by the developer for the value of a number of amenities constructed in anticipation of the second phase of d......
General Principles of Interpretation
...Cooke v. CKOY Ltd ., [1963] 2 O.R. 257 (H.C.J.). 160 Marinangeli v. Marinangeli (2003), 228 D.L.R. (4th) 376 (Ont. C.A.). 161 (2000), 193 D.L.R. (4th) 385 (S.C.C.). THE LAW OF CONTR ACTS 738 to a development agreement entered into by the plaintiff developer and the defendant municipality. T......
General Principles of Interpretation
...Co-operative Ltd ., 2008 ABCA 278. 188 Marinangeli v. Marinangeli (2003), 228 D.L.R. (4th) 376 (Ont. C.A.) [ Marinangeli ]. 189 (2000), 193 D.L.R. (4th) 385 (S.C.C.). General Principles of Interpretation 783 kind would be unlawful and contrary to public policy as an unlawful fetter on the l......
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