
AuthorJohn Ruffolo
ProfessionNational Leader, Technology, Media, and Telecommunications, Deloitte
Technology is an integral part of most businesses today. In fact, for many of
the world’s largest and most innovative companies, tec hnology and related
intangible assets account for more than 50 percent of the total enterprise
value. For those practising t axation and technology valuation, the dynamic
nature of these forces on a company’s operations requires professionals that
are f‌lexible, show considerable foresight, and are capable of st rategic plan-
ning in an ever-changin g environment.
Taxation & Valuation of Technology is the second in a series of four books
focusing on two basic themes — Taxation and Valuation. In this work,
those themes are examined in relation to technology. When considering
a topic of such broad dimensions, coverage of every single aspec t of the
interplay between taxation, valuation, and technology would be impossible.
The editors Jim Horvath and David C hodikoff — have used their best
judgment and skill to br ing together a group of leading practitioners and
thought-leaders to write, opine, and provide commentary on the various
aspects comprising the scope of t his publication. This work has taken over
three years to compile. We hope you will f‌ind the reading to be stimulating,
thought-provoking, and useful.
John Ruffolo
National Leader, Technology, Media, and Telecommunications, Deloitte

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