Sources of Criminal Procedure

AuthorSteve Coughlan
ProfessionProfessor of Law. Dalhousie University
Broadly speaking, t he sources for criminal procedure, as for cri minal
law more generally, are derived from the constitution, statutes, and
common law. However, it is useful to discuss each of those areas in
more depth, and to do so it is convenient to distinguish between the
sources of police investigative powers on the one hand and the sources
of the rules of pre-trial and trial procedure on the other.
Deciding the amount of power to be granted to police in a society is a
diff‌icult challenge. Police power is one of the most obvious and poten-
tially most intr usive means by which government interferes w ith the
lives of individuals. A society in which police have excessive power
risks suppression. However, a society in which police have insuff‌i-
cient ability to investigate and prevent crime r isks lawlessness. Both
extremes are to be avoided, but there is a broad range bet ween them,
with scope for reasonable disagreement over exactly where the right
balance lies.
Police powers derive from two main sources: statute and common
law. In addition, it is necessary to discuss the extent to which police ef-
fectively have powers based on the consent of a person bei ng investigated.
1) Constitution
Any discussion of constit utional law in Canad a must consider the ques-
tion of division of powers under the Constitution Act, 18671 as well as
the impact of the Canadian Charte r of Rights and Freedoms, introduced
as part of the Constitution Act 1982.2 The former issue has relatively
little direct impact on the question of police powers. Both Parliament
and the provincial legi slatures have the juris diction to create police
forces, and both levels of government have done so. In addition, though,
many provinces have contracted w ith the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police (RCMP), the federal police force, to provide policing serv ices
within the provi nce. Even in such cases, however, the RCMP remains
under federal legislative jurisdiction, so that, for example, a complaint
would have to be brought to the appropriate federal body rather than a
provincial police complaints board.3
Whatever the constitutional basis for their existence, however, the
police will rely primarily on rules of criminal procedure set out in the
Criminal Code in enforcing the cr iminal law. That matter lies squarely
within Parliament’s jurisdiction, thanks to section 91(27) of the Consti-
tution Act, 1867, which assigns authority over “the Procedure in Crimi-
nal Matters,” to the federal government. Police in various provinces ca n
have additional powers conferred by provi ncial statutes. Further, the
duties assigned to police by their governing legislation, whether fed-
eral or provincial, can sometimes be relevant.4 Nonetheless, in the vast
majority of occasions, section 91(27) means that it is federal legi slation
that will determine the extent of police investigative powers.
A much more relevant constitutional law question in this context
is the role of the Charter. Its importance is twofold. First, any law con-
cerning cri minal procedure that is inconsistent wit h the Charter can be
struck down unles s it can be justif‌ied as a reasonable limitation upon
guaranteed rights by reference to section 1.5 Second, the investigation
and prosecution of crime in each ca se must be conducted in a manner
1 (UK), 30 & 31 Vict, c 3, reprinted in RSC 1985, App II, No 5.
2 Being Schedule B t o the Canada Act 1982 (UK), 1982, c 11. Sections 1–44 of
the Constitution Act, 1982 are referred to a s the Canadian Charter of Rights an d
Freedom s or, more commonly, as the Charter.
3 See, for example, Alber ta (Attorney General) v Putn am, [1981] 2 SCR 267.
4 See, for example, R v God oy, [1999] 1 SCR 311 [Godoy], where the Court looked to
the duties of police a s set out in s 42 of the Police Services Act, RSO 1990, c P.15, in
order to help determi ne whether the Wate rf‌ield test was met. The Wate rf‌iel d test is
discus sed in greater detail at Se ction A(3)(b), below in thi s chapter.
5 Constitution Act, 1982, above note 2, s 52.

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