Succession in family versus nonfamily SMEs: What influence does it have on performance?

AuthorJonathan Bauweraerts,Olivier Colot
Date01 September 2014
Published date01 September 2014
Succession in family versus nonfamily SMEs:
What influence does it have on performance?
Olivier Colot*and Jonathan Bauweraerts
The literature on family SMEs usually shows a negative
inf‌luence of succession on performance. Based on a behav-
ioural approach,we identify several advantagesof intrafamily
succession that enhance value creation. In order to conf‌irm
the positive impact of intrafamily succession on performance,
a matched pair research design is used to compare the effect
of succession between 102 family and nonfamily SMEs. Our
results indicate that intrafamily succession contributes to
value creation in family SMEs. Moreover,intrafamily succes-
sion leads to higher levels of performance in comparison with
nonfamily SMEs experiencing succession and ownership
transfer. Copyright © 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley
& Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: succession, performance, family f‌irm, SME,
ownership transfer
Les travaux sur les PME familiales montrent généralement
que la succession exerce une inf‌luence négative sur la per-
formance de celles-ci. Dans cette étude, les effets bénéf‌iques
de la succession intrafamiliale sur le processus de création
de valeur sont examinés à partir dune approche
comportementaliste. Pour mettre en évidence limpact positif
de la succession intrafamiliale, lappairage statistique est uti-
lisé pour comparer leffet de la succession entre 102 PME
familiales et non familiales. Les résultats montrent que la
succession intrafamiliale contribue à la création de la valeur
dans les PME familiales. Par ailleurs, comparées aux PME
non familiales confrontées à la succession et au tr ansfert de
propriété, les PME marquées par la succession intrafamiliale
connaissent des niveaux de performance plus élevés. Copyright
© 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Mots-clés : succession, performance, entreprise familiale,
PME, transfert de propriété
There is prolif‌ic research on the inf‌luence of change in
management on f‌irm performance and on shareholder
wealth. However, these studies primarily address the impact
of change in management in managerial companies and are
often focused on the effect management change has on f‌irm
stock price (Denis & Denis, 1995; Huson, Malatesta, &
Parrino, 2004). The results of these studies generally show
that f‌inancial performance is inf‌luenced, positively or nega-
tively, by changes in management (Dherment-Ferere, 1998).
At the same time, many studies have attempted to ana-
lyze the inf‌luence of succession on performance of family
f‌irms listed in the stock exchange (Bennedsen, Nielsen,
Perez-Gonzalez, & Wolfenzon, 2007; Smith & Amoako-
Adu, 1999). Only recently has empirical research begun
focusing on this problem within family-owned SMEs
(Cucculelli & Micucci, 2008). The emergence of research
on family-owned SMEs is hardly surprising since these or-
ganizations constitute a sizable portion of the world econ-
omy (IFERA, 2003). In addition, a report by the European
Commission (2006) shows that one third of European SMEs
will undergo a succession between now and 2016. Since
succession is a critical event not survived by many family-
owned companies (Carlock & Ward, 2001; Kets de Vries,
1993), it represents an important issue requiring investiga-
tion (Miller, Steier, & Le Breton-Miller, 2003) that takes
into account the context in which family style organizations
evolve (Cucculelli & Micucci, 2008; Wennberg, Wiklund,
Hellerstedt, & Nordqvist, 2011).
We address this gap by proposing a comparison
between the performance of family and nonfamily-owned
SMEs that have undergone succession in a specif‌ic market,
namely that of Belgium. Although Molly and Laveren have
already outlined succession in family SMEs in this institu-
tional framework, our study differs in that instead of
Please note that this paper was submitted in French and was translated upon
acceptance as per the CJAS translation policy.
*Please address correspondence to: Olivier Colot, UMONS, Faculté
Warocqué Economie et Gestion, 20, Place du Parc, Mons, 7000, Belgium.
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Revue canadienne des sciences de ladministration
31: 149159 (2014)
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/CJAS.1285
Can J Adm Sci
31(3), 149159 (2014)Copyright © 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 149

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