Table of Cases

Table of Cases
1210558 Ontario Inc v 1464255 Ontario Limited, 2011 ONSC 5810 ........................320
1513183 Ontario Inc v Pelts, 2010 ONSC 4863 ............................................................316
2156775 Ontario Inc (cob D’Angelo Brands) v Just Energy Ontario LP,
2014 ONSC 3276 ....................................................................................................... 45
Accentuate Ltd v Asigra Inc, 2010 ONSC 3364 .........................................................331
Activ Financial Systems, Inc v Orbixa Management Services, Inc,
2011 ONSC 7286 ............................................................................................. 407, 408
Amchem Products Inc v British Columbia (Workers’ Compensation
Board), [1993] 1 SCR 897 ................................................................................ 329–30
ASM Shipping Ltd of India v TTMI Ltd, [2005] EWHC 2238 (Comm) ..................131
Automatic Systems Inc v Bracknell Corp, [1994] OJ No 828,
18 OR (3d) 257 (CA) ......................................................................................... 436–37
Bayview Irrigation District #11 v Mexico, [2008] OJ No 1858 (SCJ) .....................436
Bell Canada v The Plan Group (2009), 96 OR (3d) 81 (CA) .......................53, 256, 257
Belokon v Kyrgyz Republic, 2015 ONSC 5918 ...........................................................407
Benhaim v St-Germain, 2016 SCC 48 ........................................................................430
Benner and Associates Ltd v Northern Lights Distribution Inc,
[1995] OJ No 626 (Gen Div) .................................................................................... 43
BG International Ltd v Grynberg Production Corp (11 June 2008)
(Alta QB) ...........................................................................................................330–3 1
BG International Ltd v Grynberg Production Corp,
2009 ABQB 452 .......................................................................................329, 330, 331
BNP Paribas & Others v Deloitte & Touche LLP, [2003]
EWHC 2874 (Comm) ..............................................................................................325

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