The Doctrine of the Mean: Workplace Relationships and Turnover Intention

Date01 March 2019
Published date01 March 2019
The Doctrine of the Mean: Workplace
Relationships and Turnover Intention
Fong-Yi Lai
National Pingtung University of Science & Technology
Szu-Chi Lu*
National Chung Cheng University
Cheng-Chen Lin
National Pingtung University of Science & Technology
Yu-Chin Lee
Shu-Te University
The present study examines the curvilinear relationships be-
tween LMX/TMX and team membersturnover intention si-
multaneously. That is, members with high LMX, TMX, or
both are more likely to have turnover intention. Hypotheses
were tested with a sample of 452 nurses, and we adopted the
response surface methodology and polynomial regression to
test our theoretical model. The hierarchical regression anal-
ysis showed that TMX has a U-shaped relationship with
turnover intention but not with LMX. In addition, the results
indicate that both the congruence and incongruence of LMX
and TMX result in higher turnover intention, but moderate
levels of LMX and TMX have the lowest turnover intention.
Strengths, limitations, practical implications, and directions
for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2018 ASAC.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: leadermember exchange, teammember ex-
change, turnover intention, polynomial regression, surface
Les auteurs de la présente étude examinent simultanément
les relations curvilignes entre le LMX/TMX et les intentions
de roulement des membres dune équipe. Ils montrent que les
membres qui ont un LMX ou un TMX élevé, ou les deux, sont
plus susceptibles davoir des intentions de roulement. Les
hypothèses formulées sont testées sur un échantillon de
452 inf‌irmières tandis que le modèle théorique proposé est
testé grâce à la méthodologie de surface de réponse et la ré-
gression polynomiale. Lanalyse de régression hiérarchique
montre que le TMX a une relation en forme de U avec les in-
tentions de roulement, mais pas avec le LMX. Par ailleurs,
la congruence et lincongruité des LMX et TMX se
traduisent par une intention de roulement plus élevée; en re-
vanche, les niveaux modérés de LMX et de TMX ont la plus
faible intention de roulement. Dans la conclusion, les au-
teurs présentent les contributions de leur étude, ses limites
et ses implications pratiques avant de proposer des pistes
de recherches futures. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published
by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Mots-clés: échange leader-membre, échange équipe-
membre, intention de chiffre daffaires, régression
polynomiale, méthodologie de surface
In a world of rapidly changing and ever increasing
complexity, the survival of a business is largely dependent
on the effective management of knowledge employees
(Grant, 1996). Losing these valuable and skilful employees
can undermine an organizations effectiveness because of
the costs of retraining and cultivating new workers (Darmon,
1990). Therefore, to avoid losing valuable staff and maintain
organizational sustainability, it is essential that leaders fully
understand the reasons behind employeesturnover inten-
tion and minimize their thoughts of leaving the organization
(Darmon, 1990; Steel & Lounsbury, 2009).
Prior research identif‌ies several antecedents of turnover
intention, such as employeesattitudes and cognition, job
content, and leadership (Griffeth, Hom, & Gaertner, 2000).
One important antecedent is the relationship between
leader and members (Maertz & Griffeth, 2004). Drawing
on the interpersonal relationship perspective, members of a
work team are strongly inf‌luenced by two types of social-
exchange relationship (Anand, Vidyarth, Liden, &
Rousseau, 2010; Liao, Liu, & Loi, 2010; Scott & Bruce,
*Please address correspondence to: Szu-Chi Lu, Department of Labor Rela-
tions, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-yi county 621, Taiwan.
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Revue canadienne des sciences de ladministration
36:8496 (2019)
Published online 6 February 2018 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/CJAS.1481
Can J Adm Sci
36(1), 8496 (2019)Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 84

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