The War on Gangs

AuthorDavid M. Tanovich
The War on Gangs
The f ea r of g an g and gun v iolence appears to be the height-
ened face of fear in Canad a.1 So, when police off‌icials speak about
crime, they often highlight the havoc wreaked by gangs, or, as
some have called them, “urban terrorists.”2 And, as in the war on
drugs, a number of powerful institutions have linked race and
gang aff‌iliation.
The Federal Gover nment On the federal government’s Public
Safety and Emergency Preparedness website, browsers can f‌ind
the following statement about street gangs in Canada:
Street gangs are a relatively new phenomenon in Canada,
but their activities can have wide -ranging effects on t he
communities in which t hey operate. St reet gang s are often
based on ethnic origin, in cluding Asian and Aborig inal-based
gangs.… Street gangs are often regarded as a youth problem,
but this is not always the case.3
This passage is troubling. Has our government qualif‌ied ethnic
origin in the same way as age? The statement about ethnicity is
presented as a fact: “they are often based” on ethnic ori gin. T he

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