Transnational Crimes of Domestic Concern

AuthorRobert J Currie, Dr Joseph Rikhof
Decades ago, Sir Robert Jennings arg ued that states should not take
jurisdiction over conduct that h ad “more or less remote rep ercuss ions”
in the state’s territory.1 With regard to criminal conduct, developments
in the last three or four decades indicate that state s are taking increas-
ingly broad views on the kinds of “reperc ussions” that will justify
takin g jurisdiction over reg ular, domestic law cri mes that have a tra ns-
national aspect.
Both the tran snational criminal and the transnational cr ime are real.
By now it is trite rhetoric to note that developments in communications
and mobility of persons mean that not only will crime and criminals
often be beyond purely territorial re ach, but that the crimes themselves
are “messier” and can someti mes only be said to take place in more than
one state. A state often will have an interest in punishi ng conduct that
has some impact on its domestic interests, even if strict ly speaking some
or all of the elements of the crime in quest ion took place outside th at state.
From the perspective of Canada, many of the most serious crimes hav-
ing an impact on Canadians (e.g., drug traff‌icking; money laundering;
1 Robert Jenni ngs, “Extraterritor ial Jurisdiction and t he United States Antitr ust
Laws” (1957) 33 Brit YB Int’l L 146 at 159.
identity-related crime; cybercrime, including child pornography on the
Internet; and terrorism) are increasingly linked w ith activity conducted
in or through countries t hat lack effective domestic cr iminal ju stice re-
gimes, including a lack of capacity to engage in intern ational cooper-
ation with Canada. Cr iminals and terrorists strateg ically exploit these
countries, which they perceive to be “safe havens,” and use them as
bases for their criminal and terrorist activities.
Moreover, there is recognition that it is in the mutual interest of
states to protect the populations of other st ates from crim inal conduct
that may origi nate domestically but have effect s abroad. Some gener-
osity with regard to jurisdiction is required if criminal s are to be pre-
vented from using state borders and antiquated notions of sovereignty
to create impunity. As Justice Meredith, speaking specif‌ica lly to con-
spiracy, opined in the early twentieth century, “the law would be lame
if it were powerless to reach conspirators so long as they took care to
agree to carr y into effect their wrongs beyond the borders of the coun-
try in which they conspired to do the wrongs.”2
The focus of this chapter is tra nsnational crimes of domestic con-
cern. As was outlined in Chapter 1, this label describes offences that
are made crimi nal under the domestic law of a st ate; have not been the
subject of any international law regime, whether by way of customary
principles or treaty; and h ave aspects which touch on the jurisdiction
of another state. It is both a broad and a narrow c ategory: broad be-
cause it could encompass nearly the entire body of a state’s criminal
and regulatory law, but narrow because it basically amounts to a few
rules which need to be applied when a domestic offence somehow has
a transnational feature.
As was outlined in Chapter 2, a state will sometimes assume juris-
diction over offences, the conduct or effects of which occur in more
than one state, but where there are suff‌icient links to the prosecut-
ing state that juri sdiction is nonetheless considered “terr itorial” under
international (and the applicable domest ic) law. Section B, below i n
this ch apter, sur veys how this concept of qu alif‌ied territor iality3 is dealt
with under Canad ian law. Given that nea rly any offence may have some
aspect that touches on another st ate, nearly the entire body of Canadian
criminal and regulatory offences is potenti ally subject to jurisdiction
on the basis of qualif‌ied ter ritoriality. Accordingly, the goal here is not
to attempt to address the broad range of crimes that might be suscept-
2R v Bachrack (1913), 21 CCC 257 at 265 (Ont CA).
3 Also calle d “ext ended territorialit y”; see, for ex ample, Kate Brookson-Morri s,
“Conf‌licts of Cr iminal Jurisdict ion” (2007) 56 ICLQ 659.
Transnationa l Crimes of Domestic Concern 439
ible to qualif‌ied territori ality, but rather to examine the test and how
it is applied. Some queries and suggestions are posed about the inter-
national law aspect s of the matter, which are cur rently underdeveloped.
Section C, below in this chapter, focuses on those offences for
which Canada exerts extraterritorial jurisdiction, that is, offences which
take place entirely outside of Can ada but are nonetheless made subject
to Canadian cr iminal law. A great majority of ext raterritorial offences
arise from Can ada being part y to the various crime suppression treat-
ies and properly qualify as “transnational offences of inter national con-
cern,” and are thus dealt with in detail in Chapter 7. However, Canad a
does assert ext raterritorial jur isdiction over a range of what might be
called common domestic offences, employing a number of the cu stom-
ary international law principles of jurisdiction to do so, and these w ill
be explored. The peculiar issue of extraterritorial application of the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms4 poses di screte problems, and
is discussed in Chapter 10. Section D, below in this chapter, exam-
ine s the problem s as socia ted w ith ac ts of c rimi nal c onspi racy that h ave
extraterritorial aspects.
It will be apparent from the foregoing that this chapter is focused
primarily on jur isdiction, specif‌ically prescriptive jurisdiction (the
ability of a state to make cr iminal law) and to some extent judicial ju-
risdiction (the abilit y of courts to determine whether domestic or inter-
national law make s them competent to adjudicate a particular case).
Enforcement jurisdiction (the abilit y of a state to enforce its criminal law
by arresting and prosecuting offenders) is not particularly problematic
in this area; where Can adian courts have jurisdiction, either territori al
or extraterritori al, over an offence, they will tr y the offender domestic-
ally. If the offender is not present in Canada, jurisdiction over his per-
son will be sought and possibly obtai ned by way of ext radition or other
cooperative mechanisms, which are dealt with in Chapter 9.
1) The Lib man Te s t
Traditionally, Canada has adhered to its Br itish roots and taken a pr i-
marily terr itorial approach to the admin istration of crim inal law. This
4Canadian Char ter of Rights and Freedoms, Part I of the Constitution Act, 1982, be-
ing Schedule B to the Ca nada Act 1982 (UK), 1982, c 11 [Charter].

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