About the authors

AuthorMartin Jones - Sasha Baglay
ProfessionCentre for Refugee Studies, York University - Centre for Refugee Studies, York University. Faculty of Criminology, Justice and Policy Studies, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Martin Jones (B.A. Hons., Qu een’s; LL .B, UBC) p ractice d as an i mmigr a-
tion and refugee lawyer for seven year s. During that time he represented
over one thousand immigr ants and refugee clai mants in all stages of
the immigration and refugee protection process. He is presently a Doc-
toral Candidate at Osgoode Hall L aw School and a recipient of Canada
Graduate Scholarship awarded by Social Sciences and Humanities Re-
search Council. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for the Study
of International Migrat ion at Georgetown University and at the Program
in Refugee and Asylum Law at t he University of Michigan . He has taught
immigration and refugee law at Queen’s University (Canada) and the
Universit y of East London (UK). Mar tin is the m anaging editor of Refuge,
a scholarly periodical on ref ugee issues. He is a lso a research associate of
the Centre for Refugee Studies and a guest lecturer for the Centre’s Sum-
mer Course on Refugee Issues. Martin has widely presented and pub-
lished on various topics in refugee and migration law.
Sasha Baglay (LL.B , Kiev National Econom ic University; LL .M in Com-
parative Constitutional Law, Central European University; LL.M, Dal-
housie) is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Criminology, Justice
and Policy Studies at the University of Ontario In stitute of Technology
and an Adjunct Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School. She is a Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellow. Sasha ha s
been involved in refugee work with various non-governmental organ-
izations, including the Halifax Ref ugee Clinic. She has worked with
refugee claimants at various stages of refugee determination process
and represented a number of claims before the Immigration and Refu-
gee Board of Canada. She has w idely presented on the is sues of Canad-
ian and comparative immigration and refugee law and policy.

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