
AuthorMartin Jones - Sasha Baglay
ProfessionCentre for Refugee Studies, York University - Centre for Refugee Studies, York University. Faculty of Criminology, Justice and Policy Studies, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
“1503 Procedure” for refugee compla ints
(UN Human Rig hts Council),
Afghanistan claimants, 222
Agreement betwee n the Government of
Canada and the Go vernment of
the United States of Ame rica for
Co-operation in the E xamination of
Refugee Statu s Claims (2002). See
Safe Third Country Agreeme nt
Airlines. See Transportation companies
American Conven tion on Human Rights,
American Decla ration of the Rights and
Duties of Man, 293
American m ilitary deserter s and draft
dodgers, 9, 59, 234, 351
Angola claim ants, 126
Appeal and judicial review. See Com-
mittee Against Torture; Federal
Court; Federal Cou rt of Appeal;
Human Right s Council; Inter-
national juri sprudence, remedies
for rejected claim ants
Application for refuge e protection. See
Overseas pr ocessing of refugee
claimants; Refugee claims made
within Canada
Application to vac ate refugee protection.
See Rejection of ref ugee status
Arab-Israel i War (1948), 151
Argentina cl aimants, 176
Arrest and det ention of asylum-seek-
ers, 297–322. See also Security
Canada Border Services Agency
discretionary power s respecting
detention, 308
procedures, 308 –9, 319
continued detention , grounds for,
316– 18
co-operati veness of claimant, 30 8
detention as prevent ive measure,
detention facil ities in Canada, 301–2
exceptions for minor s and vulnerable
persons, 302–3
grounds for arre st and detention,
298–9 9, 303–15
danger to the public, 305 –6
identity of cla imant in question,
risk of f‌light, 3 04–5
security certif‌icates, 309–15
unlikely to appe ar, 304–5
grounds for continue d detention,
316– 18
indef‌inite detent ion where risk of
torture, 311
mandatory det ention for security
certif‌icate, 309
minors and v ulnerable persons,
detention of, 302–3
release under te rms and conditions,
review of detention b y Immigration
Division an d Courts, 299, 303,
315 –21
disclosure of documents, 320
right to couns el on detention, 80,
security c ertif‌icates, 39, 79, 298,
309–15, 351
Toronto Bail Program for ref ugee
claimants, 316
Asylum seekers. See Convention refugee;
Persons in need of prot ection
“Asylum shopping,” 20, 154, 221
Australia n refugee policies, 27n, 66,
133–34, 297
Azerbaijan claimants, 128
Backlog Clearance Program (1985), 13
Bill C-11 (Immigration and Refugee Pro-
tection Act), 19
Bill C-44 (1995 Amendment s to the Im-
migration Act), 16 –17
Bill C-55 (1987 Refugee Reform Bill), 14
Bill C-84 (1987 Refugee D eterrents and
Detention Bill), 15
Bill C-86 (1993 Amendme nts to the Im-
migration Act), 16 –17
Biometric identi f‌iers, 20
Boat people, 11–12, 16
“Breach of natur al justice” def‌ined, 268
British North Amer ica Act, 3, 31–37
division of jud icial powers, 35–37,
49, 287–89
division of leg islative powers, 32–35,
Paramountcy doctrine, 32–35
Burden of proof, 97–101, 150–51
documentar y evidence, 98–100
Immigration and Ref ugee Protection
Act, 99
proof of complicity in cr imes, 158–59
proof of identity, 89–91, 99–102,
proof of inadequac y of state protec-
tion, 136
proof of national ity, 102–06
proof of nexus in fe ar of persecution,
proof of risk of tort ure, 174
UNHCR Handbook, 99
Burundi claim ants, 222
Canada-Que bec Accord Relating to Im-
migration (1991), 48, 188
Canada-United States agreements
Annex Regarding the Sharing of Infor-
mation on Ref ugee Status Claims
(200 3), 20
Safe Third Country Agreeme nt (2002),
20–21, 216, 220–24
Smart Border Declaration and Action
Plan (2001), 20
Canada Border Services Agency
detention of refugee cl aimants,
discretion ary powers in detention,
functions a nd responsibilitie s, 52,
150n, 217, 332n
Immigrat ion Division reviews of
detentions, 319
immigrat ion holding centres, 301–02
Migration Inte grity Off‌icers, 217
Removals Unit proce dures, 338,
Toronto Bail Program for ref ugee
claimants, 316
Canada Ch ild Tax Benef‌it, right of refu-
gees to, 85
Canada Pens ion Plan, right of refugees
to, 86
Canada Sing le Journey Document, 343
Canadian Char ter of Rights and Freedoms,
application to ref ugee claimants, 26,
s. 7
conduct of refugee hear ings,
12–13, 243

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