
AuthorMartin Jones - Sasha Baglay
ProfessionCentre for Refugee Studies, York University - Centre for Refugee Studies, York University. Faculty of Criminology, Justice and Policy Studies, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
While having our names on the cover indicates our willingness to ac-
cept full responsibil ity for any errors, a large number of individuals
have assisted, supported and inspired our wr iting of this book. The
following is a necessarily incomplete list of these indiv iduals.
Our f‌irst acknowledgement must go to our publisher. In particular,
we are indebted to Jeffrey Miller who ever so patiently and with good
humour dealt with the queries of two novice s and the wholly unreason-
able r equest s we have m ade of hi m. Without hi s wholehea rted commit-
ment to this book, it would neither have been wr itten nor published.
We would also like to thank our copy editor Jo Roberts for ma naging to
wrestle the st ylistic peccadi llo’s of two authors into the single unif‌ied
text that is before you.
We must also acknowledge the role played by the Centre for Refu-
gee Studies at York University in the writing of this book. The Centre
has provided an invigorating and encouraging env ironment for the re-
search and discussion of refugee issues. O ur ability to discuss ideas
with others at the Centre sim ilarly engaged with refugee issues has also
proved invaluable to the writing of this book.
Martin would like to thank his colleag ues in Toronto, Washington
D.C. and London who tolerated his inattention to other projects while
writing this book. For their friendship, support and assistance, An ita
Fabos, Susan McGrath, Michele Millard, Jame s Hathaway and Shar ryn
Aiken deserve sp ecial mention. An additional thank you is due to James
Hathaway for providing space and time for both quiet contemplation
and frenetic engagement in Ann Arbor as this project came to a close;
in short, for inspiring a second-wi nd, without which this book would
not have been f‌inished. Final ly, Martin must than k his family; to mum,

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