About the Authors

AuthorJamie Cassels/Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey
ProfessionProfessor of Law, Vice President Academic, and Provost, University of Victoria/Professor of Law, University of Victoria
Jamie Cassels, B.A., LL.B., LL.M., Q.C., is Vice President Academic and
Provost of the University of Victoria. He is also Professor of Law, and
former Dean, at the Faculty of Law, University of Victoria. Prof. Cassels’
areas of expertise are Contracts, Torts, Remedies, and Legal Theory, and
he has w ritten several books and numerous articles on t hese subjects,
including The Uncertain Promise of Law: Lessons from Bhopal (Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1993), and, with Craig Jones, The Law of
Large Scale Claims (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2005). Professor Cassels is the
recipient of several awards for teaching and scholarship, including the
1999 Canadi an Association of Law Teachers Award for Academic Ex-
cellence and the national 3M award for Teaching Excellence.
Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey, B.A. (Hons.), LL.M., LL.M., D.Jur., is an Associ-
ate Professor at the Facult y of Law, University of Victoria, where she
has been teaching since 1998. Professor Adjin-Tettey’s teaching and
research interests are in the areas of torts, remedies, ins urance, and
critical race and femin ist theories, and she has written several art i-
cles and book chapters in these areas. Her recent work has focused on
the m arginalizing ef fects of traditional tort s and remedial principles,
examining issues such as the implications of parental responsibility
legislation for under-privileged parents, inequities in the assessment
of d amages for impaired working capacity, and judicial respon ses to
historical abuse claims by Aborigin al plaintiffs.

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