Deductions from Damages: Collateral Benefits
Author | Jamie Cassels/Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey |
Profession | Professor of Law, Vice President Academic, and Provost, University of Victoria/Professor of Law, University of Victoria |
Pages | 416-451 |
1) The Issue Explained
Closely related to the issues of mitigation and “avoided loss” is the sub-
ject of collateral benefits. This subject arises whenever a plaintif f’s loss
(as a result of bre ach of contract or tort) is apparently ameliorated by
a payment from a third party (or “collateral source”). The question is
whether that pay ment should be t aken into account in calculati ng the
plaintiff ’s loss, thus reducing the dam ages payable by the defendant.
Collateral benefit s problems a rise in many context s in civil litiga-
tion. For example, in wrongful dismissal and personal injury cas es, the
plaintiff may receive employment insurance, welfare, or other a ssist-
ance that cushions the wage loss. In personal injury cases, the plaintiff’s
actual expenses for the cost of care and income los ses may frequently
be paid for by in surance or offset by income or benefits in kind from
a var iety of source s. Public healt h-care benefits will frequently cover
many of the plaintiff ’s medic al expen ses. Family members and charit-
able inst itutions m ay provide care to the plaintiff free of ch arge. The
plaintiff ’s wage los s may be defrayed, partly or in whole, by disabil-
ity i nsurance, an employer’s wage continuation plan, or a benevolent
fund. In every case, the question is whether the benefits received by the
plaintiff cancel the loss suffered.
Deductions from Da mages: Collateral Benefit s 417
2) Framework for Analysis
The tension over collateral benefits is acute. On the one hand, to permit
the plaintiff to claim a loss or ex pense that is not actually incur red (or
which is offset from another source) appears to overcompensate the
plaintiff. For example, a person who is injured but continues to receive
his salary from a disability fund will receive a “windfal l” or “double
compensation” if he is also permitted to claim lost income from the
defendant. On the other hand, to exclude such losse s from the plain-
tiff’s claim gives to the defendant the benefit of the program, essentially
“subsidizing” the defendant’s negligence. For those who believe that
tort law should play a deterrent role by charging wrong-doers with the
full costs of their activitie s, such a subsidy under mines the social pur-
pose of the law.
The law regarding collateral benefits is always evolving and the
questions raised largely involve policy considerations. The “fundamen-
tal” policy of tort is compensation of the plaintiff, not punishment of
the defendant, and from thi s perspective, a failure to deduct collateral
benefits amounts to double compensation or a windfall to the plainti ff.
In Ratych v. Bloomer,1 McLachlin J. stated:
The functional rational [sic] for the award of damages adopted in
the trilogy of Andre ws, Thornton and Ten o underlines the necessity
of using the plai nti ff’s actu al loss as the basis of his or her damages.
The award is justified, not bec ause it is appropr iate to punish the de-
fendant or enr ich the plaintiff, but because it w ill serve the pur pose
or function of restoring the pl aintiff as nearly as possible to his pre-
accident state or alternatively, where this c annot be done, providing
substitutes for what he lost.
The trilogy follows t he modern trend in the law of damages away
from a punitive approach which emphasizes the w rong the tort feasor
has committed. The link between the moral culpability of the tortfeasor
and his obligation to pay damages to the person he injures is frequently
tenuous in our technolog ical and mechanical e ra. A moment’s inatten-
tion is all t hat i s requi red to trigger astronomical damages. The risks
inherent in such activities as the use of our highways by motorists are
increasingly recognized as a general social burden. In this context, the
max im th at compe nsat ion must be fai r to bot h the pl ainti ff and the de-
fendant seems eminently reasonable … That fair ness is best achieved
by avoiding both undercompen sation and overcompensation.2
2 Ibid. at 963 [emphasis i n original].
Thus, an emphasis on “compensation” indicates a general r ule of
deductibility. As McLach lin J. concluded, it is implicit in the compen-
sation principle that the “plaintiff should not recover unless he c an
demonstrate a loss, and then only to the extent of that loss.”3 D ouble
recovery violates this principle. While this may seem to provide a bene-
fit to t he defendant, this concern is attenuated by the widespread use
of liability insur ance, since often it will be the t hird-party insurer who
will be bearing the costs and not the defendant per sonally. Also per-
suasive i s the point that McL achlin J. makes concern ing t he problem
with assig ning moral culpability to certain negligent actions commen-
surate w ith their often catastrophic results. With powerful m achines
(and complex science) comes the potential for great harm even when
reasonable care is taken to prevent it.
However, tort law is often stated to have a deterrence function as
well. Under the deterrence theory, tortfeasors should bear the full cost
of t heir wrongdoing. This is said to provide incentives for those en-
gaged in potentia lly harmful or dangerous activities to take into ac-
count the full societal cost s of those activities. On this basis, collateral
benefits should not be deducted from damages award s, since deduction
would mean the benefit would inure to the defendant who would other-
wise be required to pay the full cost of the wrongdoing. And in addition
to deterrence, many find it disturbing that the wrongdoer should get
“credit” for pay ments m ade to her v ictim. Thes e notions were articu-
lated by Cory J. in Cunningham v. Wheeler:4 “Tort recovery is ba sed
on some wrongdoing. It makes little sense for a wrongdoer to benefit
from the private act of forethought and sacrifice of the plaintiff.”5 Thus,
a plaint iff may end up recovering more than her actu al loss even if a
court disapproves of this outcome.6
On this view, non-deductibility furthers the principles of deter-
rence and avoids the moral dilemma of giving the wrongdoer the bene-
fit of payments intended for the plaintiff. It is said th at the existence of
liability insurance significantly under mines the deterrence rationale of
tort law (since damage awards are paid by insurers, not by wrongdoers);
however, as Calabresi has argued, even with insurance, tort law may
serve a more general deterrence function.7 Tort law causes t he costs of
3 Ibid. at 981.
5 Ibid. at 401.
6 See Zacharia s v. Leys (2005), 36 C.C.L.T. (3d) 93 at para. 40 (B.C.C.A.), Southin
7 G. Calabresi, The Cost of Acc idents: A Legal and Economic Analysis (New H aven:
Yale University Pre ss, 1970).
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