Child and Family Services of Winnipeg Central v. K.L.W. et al., 2000 SCC 48
Judge | McLachlin, C.J.C., L'Heureux-Dubé, Gonthier, Major, Bastarache, Binnie and Arbour, JJ. |
Court | Supreme Court of Canada |
Case Date | February 25, 2000 |
Jurisdiction | Canada (Federal) |
Citations | 2000 SCC 48;(2000), 260 N.R. 203 (SCC) |
CFS v. K.L.W. (2000), 260 N.R. 203 (SCC)
MLB Headnote and full text
[French language version follows English language version]
[La version française vient à la suite de la version anglaise]
Temp. Cite: [2000] N.R. TBEd. OC.029
K.L.W. (appellant) v. Winnipeg Child and Family Services (respondent) and The Attorney General of Quebec, the Attorney General of Manitoba and the Attorney General of British Columbia (interveners)
(26779; 2000 SCC 48)
Indexed As: Child and Family Services of Winnipeg Central v. K.L.W. et al.
Supreme Court of Canada
McLachlin, C.J.C., L'Heureux-Dubé, Gonthier, Major, Bastarache, Binnie and Arbour, JJ.
October 13, 2000.
The Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench ordered that Winnipeg Child and Family Services be appointed permanent guardian of three of K.L.W.'s children. The court had rejected K.L.W.'s challenge to the constitutional validity of s. 21(1) of the Manitoba Child and Family Services Act, finding that s. 21(1) did not violate s. 7 of the Charter. K.L.W. appealed the decisions.
The Manitoba Court of Appeal, in a decision reported at 126 Man.R.(2d) 315; 167 W.A.C. 315, dismissed the appeal. K.L.W. was granted leave to appeal the decision on the constitutional validity of s. 21(1) of the Act.
The Supreme Court of Canada, Arbour, J., and McLachlin, C.J.C., dissenting, dismissed the appeal. The court held that s. 21(1) of the Act did not violate s. 7 of the Charter.
Civil Rights - Topic 1394
Security of the person - Health care - Child or adult protection - Winnipeg Child and Family Services apprehended K.L.W.'s newborn son pursuant to s. 21(1) of the Manitoba Child and Family Services Act - A post-apprehension child protection hearing was held six months later - The Supreme Court of Canada held that there was no breach of K.L.W.'s s. 7 Charter rights arising from the delay of the post-apprehension child protection hearing - The court considered that much of the delay was attributable to the failure of K.L.W.'s counsel to appear at a case conference - In any event, K.L.W. suffered no prejudice due to the delay in the protection proceedings where she had challenged the agency's apprehension by prerogative writ and that challenge was heard within 10 days of the apprehension - See paragraphs 134 to 139.
Civil Rights - Topic 1394
Security of the person - Health care - Child or adult protection - A parent argued that the state's power pursuant to s. 21(1) of the Manitoba Child and Family Services Act to apprehend a child based on "reasonable and probable grounds ... that a child is in need of protection", without prior judicial authorizations in non-emergency situations, violated s. 7 of the Charter - The parent sought to introduce into the s. 7 analysis a s. 8 Charter argument on reasonable expectation of privacy - The Supreme Court of Canada stated that "the interests at stake in the child protection context dictate a somewhat different balancing analysis from that undertaken with respect to the accused's s. 7 and s. 8 rights in the criminal context. Moreover, the state's protective purpose in apprehending a child is clearly distinguishable from the state's punitive purpose in the criminal context, namely that of seeing that justice is done with respect to a criminal act. These distinctions should make courts reluctant to import procedural protections developed in the criminal context into the child protection context" - See paragraphs 95 to 98.
Civil Rights - Topic 1394
Security of the person - Health care - Child or adult protection - [See Civil Rights - Topic 3105 ].
Civil Rights - Topic 3105
Trials - Due process, fundamental justice and fair hearings - What constitutes minimum procedural protection - A parent argued that the state's power pursuant to s. 21(1) of the Manitoba Child and Family Services Act to apprehend a child based on "reasonable and probable grounds ... that a child is in need of protection", without prior judicial authorizations in non-emergency situations, violated s. 7 of the Charter - The Supreme Court of Canada held that apprehension of a child impaired a parent's right to security of the person - However, the court concluded that s. 21(1) of the Act did not violate s. 7 of the Charter - The fact that s. 21(1) did not establish an "emergency" threshold for apprehension without prior judicial authorization did not offend the principles of fundamental justice - A fair and prompt post-apprehension hearing was the minimum procedural protection mandated by the principles of fundamental justice - See paragraphs 85 to 132.
Civil Rights - Topic 3191
Trials - Due process, fundamental justice and fair hearings - Administrative and noncriminal proceedings - Delay - [See first Civil Rights - Topic 1394 ].
Civil Rights - Topic 3193
Trials - Due process, fundamental justice and fair hearings - Administrative and noncriminal proceedings - Procedure not contrary to fundamental justice - [See first Civil Rights - Topic 1394 and Civil Rights - Topic 3105 ].
Guardian and Ward - Topic 817.1
Public trustee or guardian - Appointment - Child in need of protection - Apprehension order - [See Civil Rights - Topic 3105 ].
Guardian and Ward - Topic 875
Public trustee or guardian - Powers - Exercise of - Respecting apprehension of child - [See Civil Rights - Topic 3105 ].
Guardian and Ward - Topic 902
Public trustee or guardian - The hearing - Time for - [See first Civil Rights - Topic 1394 and Civil Rights - Topic 3105 ].
Cases Noticed:
New Brunswick (Minister of Health and Community Services) v. J.G. and D.V., [1999] 3 S.C.R. 46; 244 N.R. 276; 216 N.B.R.(2d) 25; 552 A.P.R. 25, refd to. [paras. 5, 72].
Sheena B., Re, [1995] 1 S.C.R. 315; 176 N.R. 161; 78 O.A.C. 1, refd to. [paras. 5, 63].
R.B. v. Children's Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto - see Sheena B., Re.
Blencoe v. Human Rights Commission (B.C.) et al. (2000), 260 N.R. 1; 141 B.C.A.C. 161; 231 W.A.C. 161 (S.C.C.), refd to. [paras. 5, 86].
Pearlman v. Manitoba Law Society Judicial Committee, [1991] 2 S.C.R. 869; 130 N.R. 121; 75 Man.R.(2d) 81; 6 W.A.C. 81, refd to. [paras. 10, 71].
Singh v. Minister of Employment and Immigration, [1985] 1 S.C.R. 177; 58 N.R. 1, refd to. [paras. 10, 70].
Thomson Newspapers Ltd. v. Director of Investigation and Research, Combines Investigation Act et al., [1990] 1 S.C.R. 425; 106 N.R. 161; 39 O.A.C. 161, refd to. [paras. 10, 130].
R. v. Lyons, [1987] 2 S.C.R. 309; 80 N.R. 161; 82 N.S.R.(2d) 271; 207 A.P.R. 271, refd to. [paras. 10, 71].
Knight v. Board of Education of Indian Head School Division No. 19, [1990] 1 S.C.R. 653; 106 N.R. 17; 83 Sask.R. 81, refd to. [para. 10].
Reference Re Section 94(2) of the Motor Vehicle Act (B.C.), [1985] 2 S.C.R. 486; 63 N.R. 266, refd to. [para. 17].
Southam Inc. v. Hunter, [1984] 2 S.C.R. 145; 55 N.R. 241; 55 A.R. 291, refd to. [paras. 19, 95].
B.S. v. Director of Child, Family and Community Service (B.C.) (1998), 107 B.C.A.C. 87; 174 W.A.C. 87; 38 R.F.L.(4th) 138 (C.A.), refd to. [paras. 40, 106].
Schachter v. Canada et al., [1992] 2 S.C.R. 679; 139 N.R. 1, refd to. [paras. 43, 134].
Guimond v. Québec (Procureur général), [1996] 3 S.C.R. 347; 201 N.R. 380, refd to. [para. 43].
Child and Family Services of Winnipeg Northwest v. D.F.G., [1997] 3 S.C.R. 925; 219 N.R. 241; 121 Man.R.(2d) 241; 158 W.A.C. 241, refd to. [para. 46].
Rodriguez v. British Columbia (Attorney General) et al., [1993] 3 S.C.R. 519; 158 N.R. 1; 34 B.C.A.C. 1; 56 W.A.C. 1, refd to. [para. 70].
R. v. Beare; R. v. Higgins, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 387; 88 N.R. 205; 71 Sask.R. 1, refd to. [para. 70].
R. v. Morgentaler, [1988] 1 S.C.R. 30; 82 N.R. 1; 26 O.A.C. 1, refd to. [para. 70].
R. v. Mills (B.J.), [1999] 3 S.C.R. 668; 248 N.R. 101; 244 A.R. 201; 209 W.A.C. 201, refd to. [para. 71].
Chiarelli v. Minister of Employment and Immigration, [1992] 1 S.C.R. 711; 135 N.R. 161, refd to. [para. 71].
Kindler v. Canada (Minister of Justice), [1991] 2 S.C.R. 779; 129 N.R. 81, refd to. [para. 71].
King v. Mr. and Mrs B., [1985] 1 S.C.R. 87; 57 N.R. 17; 58 A.R. 275, refd to. [para. 75].
King v. Low - see King v. Mr. and Mrs. B.
Hepton v. Maat, [1957] S.C.R. 606, refd to. [para. 75].
T. v. Director of Child Welfare (Alta.) (2000), 261 A.R. 315; 225 W.A.C. 315 (C.A.), refd to. [para. 80].
J.M.N.C. et al. v. Child and Family Services of Winnipeg Central (1997), 122 Man.R.(2d) 81; 33 R.F.L.(4th) 175 (Q.B. Fam. Div.), refd to. [para. 83].
Reference Re Sections 193 and 195.1(1)(c) of the Criminal Code, [1990] 1 S.C.R. 1123; 109 N.R. 81; 68 Man.R.(2d) 1, refd to. [para. 85].
Wallis v. Spencer (2000), 202 F.3d 1126 (9th Cir.), refd to. [para. 89].
Dietz v. Damas (1996), 932 F. Supp. 431 (E.D.N.Y.), refd to. [para. 89].
R. v. O'Connor (H.P.), [1995] 4 S.C.R. 411; 191 N.R. 1; 68 B.C.A.C. 1; 112 W.A.C. 1, refd to. [para. 96].
Gareau v. Superintendent of Family and Child Services (B.C.) (1986), 5 B.C.L.R.(2d) 352 (S.C.), affd. (1989), 38 B.C.L.R.(2d) 215 (C.A.), refd to. [para. 100].
H. et al., Re, [1996] A.C. 563; 192 N.R. 52 (H.L.), refd to. [para. 100].
H. (Minors) (Sexual Abuse: Standard of Proof) - see H. et al., Re.
Young v. Young et al., [1993] 4 S.C.R. 3; 160 N.R. 1; 34 B.C.A.C. 161; 56 W.A.C. 161, refd to. [para. 102].
D.P. v. C.S., [1993] 4 S.C.R. 141; 159 N.R. 241; 58 Q.A.C. 1, refd to. [para. 102].
Miller v. Philadelphia (City) (1999), 174 F.3d 368 (3rd Cir.), refd to. [para. 115].
Québec (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse) v. Montréal (Ville) et al., [2000] 1 S.C.R. 665; 253 N.R. 107, refd to. [para. 117].
Rizzo & Rizzo Shoes Ltd. (Bankrupt), Re, [1998] 1 S.C.R. 27; 221 N.R. 241; 106 O.A.C. 1, refd to. [para. 117].
Catholic Children's Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto v. C.M., [1994] 2 S.C.R. 165; 165 N.R. 161; 71 O.A.C. 81, refd to. [para. 124].
Agar, Re; McNeilly v. Agar, [1958] S.C.R. 52, refd to. [para. 124].
R. v. Jones, [1986] 2 S.C.R. 284; 69 N.R. 241; 73 A.R. 133, refd to. [para. 125].
R. v. Harrer (H.M.), [1995] 3 S.C.R. 562; 186 N.R. 329; 64 B.C.A.C. 161; 105 W.A.C. 161, refd to. [para. 130].
Family and Children's Services of Kings County v. E.D. (1988), 86 N.S.R.(2d) 205; 218 A.P.R. 205 (C.A.), refd to. [para. 132].
Statutes Noticed:
Child and Family Services Act, S.M., 1985-86, c. 8; C.C.S.M., c. C-80, sect. 21(1) [para. 62].
Authors and Works Noticed:
Bala, N., An Introduction to Child Protection Problems, in Bala, N., Hornick, J.P., and Vogl, R., Canadian Child Welfare Law: Children, Families and the State, p. 1 [para. 76].
Bala, N., Hornick, J.P., and Vogl, R., Canadian Child Welfare Law: Children, Families and the State (1991), pp. 1 [para. 76]; 25 [para. 79]; 33 ff. [para. 77].
Bala, Nicholas, Reforming Ontario's Child and Family Services Act: Is the Pendulum Swinging Back Too Far? (1999-2000), 17 C.F.L.Q. 121, pp. 140, 141 [paras. 41, 105]; 169, 170, 171 [para. 14].
Barnhorst, D., and Walter, B., Child Protection Legislation in Canada, in Bala, N., Hornick, J.P., and Vogl, R., Canadian Child Welfare Law: Children, Families and the State, p. 25 [para. 79].
Bernstein, M.M., Kirwin, L.M., and Bernstein, H., Child Protection Law in Canada (Looseleaf), generally [para. 75].
Canada, Law Commission, Restoring Dignity: Responding to Child Abuse in Canadian Institutions (2000), pp. 44, 45, 46 [para. 74].
Canada, Statistics Canada, Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2000, pp. 31 ff. [para. 74].
Fodden, S.R., Family Law (1999), pp. 120, 121 [para. 76].
Fortin, J., Children's Rights and the Developing Law (1998), pp. 366, 367 [para. 76].
Gove, T.J., Report of the Gove Inquiry into Child Protection in British Columbia (1995), generally [para. 74].
Hogg, Peter W., Constitutional Law of Canada (Looseleaf Ed.), vol. 2, p. 44-60 [para. 18].
La protection de l'enfant: évolution (1999), generally [para. 76].
MacMillan, H.L. et al., Prevalence of Child Physical and Sexual Abuse in the Community (1997), 278 JAMA 131, generally [para. 74].
Manitoba, Family Services, Third Annual Report of the Children's Advocate (1995/96), p. 13 [para. 72].
Manitoba, Report of the Child and Family Services Act Review Committee on the Community Consultation Process (1997), p. 15 [para. 110].
Ontario, Association of Children's Societies, Ontario Child Mortality Task Force - Final Report (1997), generally [para. 74].
Ontario, Panel of Experts on Child Protection, Protecting Vulnerable Children (Ontario Panel Report) (1998), generally [para. 74]; pp. 40 [para. 105]; 41 [paras. 105, 128].
Ontario Panel Report - see Ontario, Panel of Experts on Child Protection, Protecting Vulnerable Children (Ontario Panel Report).
Rycus, J.S., Hughes, R.C., and Garrison, J.K., Child Protective Services: A Training Curriculum (1989), generally [para. 83].
Steinhauer, P.D., The Least Detrimental Alternative (1991), pp. 13 ff. [para. 124].
Vogl, R., Initial Involvement, in Bala, N., Hornick, J.P., and Vogl, R., Canadian Child Welfare Law: Children, Families and the State, p. 33ff [para. 77].
Wissow, L.S., Child Abuse and Neglect (1995), 332 New Eng. J. Med. 1425, generally [para. 74].
R. Ian Histed, for the appellant;
Norm Cuddy, Michael Thomson and Myfanwy Bowman, for the respondent;
Dominique Jobin and Gilles Laporte, for the intervener, the Attorney General of Quebec;
Shawn Greenberg, for the intervener, the Attorney General of Manitoba;
George H. Copley, Q.C., for the intervener, the Attorney General of British Columbia.
Solicitors of Record:
Downtown Legal Action, Winnipeg, Manitoba, for the appellant;
Scurfield Tapper Cuddy, Winnipeg, Manitoba, for the respondent;
The Department of Justice, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, for the intervener, the Attorney General of Quebec;
The Department of Justice, Winnipeg, Manitoba, for the intervener, the Attorney General of Manitoba;
The Ministry of the Attorney General, Victoria, British Columbia, for the intervener, the Attorney General of British Columbia.
This appeal was heard on February 25, 2000, before McLachlin, C.J.C., L'Heureux-Dubé, Gonthier, Major, Bastarache, Binnie and Arbour, JJ., of the Supreme Court of Canada. The decision of the Supreme Court was delivered in both official languages on October 13, 2000, including the following opinions:
Arbour, J., dissenting (McLachlin, C.J.C., concurring) - see paragraphs 1 to 45;
L'Heureux-Dubé, J. (Gonthier, Major, Bastarache and Binnie, JJ., concurring) - see paragraphs 46 to 141.
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...266 N.R. 275; 142 O.A.C. 201, refd to. [para. 40]. Child and Family Services of Winnipeg Central v. K.L.W. et al., [2000] 2 S.C.R. 519; 260 N.R. 203; 150 Man.R.(2d) 161; 230 W.A.C. 161, refd to. [para. Edmonton Journal v. Alberta (Attorney General), [1989] 2 S.C.R. 1326; 102 N.R. 321; 103 A......
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...New Brunswick (Minister of Health and Community Services) v. G. (J.), [1999] 3 S.C.R. 46; Winnipeg Child and Family Services v. K.L.W., 2000 SCC 48, [2000] 2 S.C.R 519; Beson v. Director of Child Welfare (Nfld.), [1982] 2 S.C.R. 716; Office of the Children’s Lawyer v. Balev, 2018 SCC 16, [2......
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...877; 226 N.R. 1; 109 O.A.C. 201, refd to. [para. 95]. Child and Family Services of Winnipeg Central v. K.L.W. et al., [2000] 2 S.C.R. 519; 260 N.R. 203; 150 Man.R.(2d) 161; 230 W.A.C. 161, refd to. [para. R. v. Oakes, [1986] 1 S.C.R. 103; 65 N.R. 87; 14 O.A.C. 335, refd to. [para. 96]. RJR-......
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...[1988] 1 S.C.R. 327; 83 N.R. 1, refd to. [para. 206]. Child and Family Services of Winnipeg Central v. K.L.W. et al., [2000] 2 S.C.R. 519; 260 N.R. 203; 150 Man.R.(2d) 161; 230 W.A.C. 161; 2000 SCC 48, refd to. [para. Thomson v. Thomson, [1994] 3 S.C.R. 551; 173 N.R. 83; 97 Man.R.(2d) 81; 7......
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...266 N.R. 275; 142 O.A.C. 201, refd to. [para. 40]. Child and Family Services of Winnipeg Central v. K.L.W. et al., [2000] 2 S.C.R. 519; 260 N.R. 203; 150 Man.R.(2d) 161; 230 W.A.C. 161, refd to. [para. Edmonton Journal v. Alberta (Attorney General), [1989] 2 S.C.R. 1326; 102 N.R. 321; 103 A......
B.J.T. v. J.D., 2022 SCC 24
...New Brunswick (Minister of Health and Community Services) v. G. (J.), [1999] 3 S.C.R. 46; Winnipeg Child and Family Services v. K.L.W., 2000 SCC 48, [2000] 2 S.C.R 519; Beson v. Director of Child Welfare (Nfld.), [1982] 2 S.C.R. 716; Office of the Children’s Lawyer v. Balev, 2018 SCC 16, [2......
Director of Child and Family Services (Man.) v. A.C. et al., (2009) 390 N.R. 1 (SCC)
...1 ; 2003 SCC 74 , refd to. [paras. 103, 218]. Child and Family Services of Winnipeg Central v. K.L.W. et al., [2000] 2 S.C.R. 519 ; 260 N.R. 203; 150 Man.R.(2d) 161 ; 230 W.A.C. 161 ; 2000 SCC 48 , refd to. [para. R.B. v. Children's Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto - see Sheena B., ......
Trinity Univ. v. Coll. of Teachers, (2001) 151 B.C.A.C. 161 (SCC)
...877; 226 N.R. 1; 109 O.A.C. 201, refd to. [para. 95]. Child and Family Services of Winnipeg Central v. K.L.W. et al., [2000] 2 S.C.R. 519; 260 N.R. 203; 150 Man.R.(2d) 161; 230 W.A.C. 161, refd to. [para. R. v. Oakes, [1986] 1 S.C.R. 103; 65 N.R. 87; 14 O.A.C. 335, refd to. [para. 96]. RJR-......
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...Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory, and R.F. (3 March 2021), Gore Bay, K-16- 0028-3 (Ont. C.J.), Winnipeg Child and Family Services v. K.L.W., 2000 SCC 48, Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Aid Society v. M.W., 2019 ONCA 316, Ogwadeni:deo v. P.E., 2020 ONCJ 145, Children's Aid Society of Brant v. ......
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...R v Jordan , 2016 SCC 27, for the Court’s most recent interpretation of the s 11( b ) right. 80 Winnipeg Child and Family Services v KLW , 2000 SCC 48 at para 125. 81 Ibid . 82 Manitoba (Director of Child and Family Services) v HCH , 2017 MBCA 33 at para 2. 83 In criminal proceedings, see, ......
Table of cases
...CCC (3d) 129, [1999] SCJ No 31 .......................................................... 255 Winnipeg Child and Family Services v KLW, 2000 SCC 48 ........................24, 287 Winnipeg School Division No 1 v Craton, [1985] 2 SCR 150, 21 DLR (4th) 1, [1985] SCJ No 50 ..........................
Table of cases
...CCC (3d) 129, [1999] SCJ No 31 .......................................................... 206 Winnipeg Child and Family Services v KLW, 2000 SCC 48 ............................... 23 Winnipeg School Division No 1 v Craton, [1985] 2 SCR 150, 21 DLR (4th) 1, [1985] SCJ No 50 .......................
Digest: R v McMahon, 2018 SKCA 26
...34 MVR (2d) 296 V.S. v Alberta (Director of Child Welfare), 2004 ABQB 892, [2005] 7 WWR 109 Winnipeg Child and Family Services v K.L.W., 2000 SCC 48, [2000] 2 SCR 519, 260 NR 203, [2001] 1 WWR 1, 191 DLR (4th) 1, 150 Man R (2d) 161, 10 RFL (5th) 122 ...