
AuthorNicholas Bala, Sanjeev Anand
accountability: the principle of intervention and sentencing that con-
siders the responsibilit y of offenders for their acts and calls for a re-
sponse that is proportiona l to the offence. Section 3(1)(b) of the YCJA
declares that youths should be held accountable, but generally not to
the same extent as adults.
adult: a person eighteen years of age or older. In the criminal justice
system, age is generally establi shed as of the date of the alleged offence.
adult sentence: a youth fourteen years or older may have an adult sen-
tence imposed; this i s generally only considered if the offence is one
of the most serious offences. If the Crown w ishes to have the youth
justice court impose an adult sentence, the youth must receive notice
before trial and will have the right to a jury tri al. An adult sentence
can be imposed only after a youth justice court determines under sec-
tion 72 of the YCJA that a youth sentence would “not be of suff‌icient
length to hold the young person accountable for his or her offending
behaviour.” If the youth justice court determines that an adult-length
sentence is appropriate, the youth cannot be placed in an adult facil ity
until reaching the age of eighteen years, and there is a discretion in the
court to delay transfer to an adult facility through early adulthood.
adversarial: a system of justice premised on each party hav ing an obli-
gation to present evidence and argument to support its po sition, though
there are special obligations of fairness for the Crown prosecutor.
A hallmark of Can ada’s adversarial system is that the judge, a neutral

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