
AuthorNicholas Bala, Sanjeev Anand
Aborigin al, 17, 54, 58–74, 150–51
communities, 5 8–61, 68, 74, 154,
185– 86, 389– 90
extrajudici al sanctions, 364– 67, 373,
offending rat es, 58
sentencing Abor iginal youth, 70–74,
366, 521–2 3, 544– 45
youth, 68, 150–51, 413–14, 652
cause of offendi ng, 47–50, 60–61,
in custody, 10–11, 484, 611–12
Accountabil ity. See also Declar ation of
Principle; Sent encing Principles
limited, 1, 3, 5– 6
principle, 117–21, 500–2, 510–11,
673 –74
Adjournme nts. See Delay
Adolescence, 1–2, 203
Adult Court. See Transfer to Adult Cour t
under Young Offenders Act
Adult Sentencing. Se e also Youth Crim -
inal Justice Act, ss. 61–82
age, 659–65, 680 –84, 692, 694
aggravat ing and mitigating circ um-
stances, 68 6–87, 694
appe al, 703 –4
burden of proof, 660 –69, 673, 685–
co-accused, 687
Crown disc losure, 669
dangerous offender a pplication,
evidentia ry issues, 699
generally, 651–709
hea rings, 670–71
notice and election a s to mode of
tri al, 665– 68
offences subject to, 659
parents and, 670
parole eligibi lity, 691, 692, 697–98
place of custody, 691–92, 695–97,
698 –702
place of pretri al detention, 691–92
presumptive offence s, 605–8, 634–
43, 658, 660–65, 688
publication, 470–78, 705–7
rationale, 651–53, 707
record of offending, 6 84–86
reform from Young Offend ers Act,
reports for hear ing, 669, 671–72
seriousnes s of offence, 654, 658, 662,
671–72, 688, 698
test, 673–91

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