
AuthorRobert J. Sharpe, Kent Roach
Absolute liability: an offence for which the accused is gui lty once it is proven
that the prohibited act wa s committed and rega rdless of the exi stence of any
fault, including negligence.
Adjudicative facts: facts relati ng to the i mmediate dis pute between the par-
ties, “who, what, where and how” (as dist inguished from “legislative facts”).
Aff‌irmative action: positive measures intended to benef‌it a disadvantaged
Agency shop provision: a provision in a collective agreement compelling pay-
ment of dues to a union by non-member employees.
Appellate court: the court t hat hear s appe als from judgments of the trial
courts. There a re provincial appell ate courts to hear appe als from the provi n-
cial cour ts and the provincial superior courts, a nd a Federal Cour t of Appeal
to hear appeals f rom the Federal Court, Trial Division.
Attorney general: the member of Cabinet who is the senior legal adviser to the
government and who is ulti mately accountable for prosecutions.
Civil law: a legal system in which private law is enacted by the legislature and
is predomi nantly containe d in a Civil Code. It is in contradi stinction to t he
common law where the ba sis of private law is judge made. Quebe c has a civil
law tra dition.
Closed shop provision: a provision in a collective agreement compelling
membership in a union.

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