
AuthorM.H. Ogilvie
ProfessionChancellor's Professor and Professor of Law, Carleton University
Account combination by b ank, 259–63
Account verificat ion clauses, 319,
320–21, 323
history of, 320
Accounts. See Ban k accounts
Alternat ive dispute resolution (ADR) in
ban king, 437, 438 –42
evolution of, 438–42
Financia l Consumer Agency of Can-
ada (FCAC) and, 440, 441, 442
history of, 437
Office of the Super intendent of
Financia l Institutions (OSFI) and,
443, 445, 446
Ombudsman for B anking Service s
and Investment s (OBSI) and, 440
confidential ity of files of, 447
criticis m of, 443
excluded disp utes, 445
funding for, 443
membership in, 4 42, 443
monetary li mit of recommended
award, 446
Ombudsman , role of, 443
procedure for complaint s, 444–48
recommendation s of, 447–48
regulator y framework of, 441
requirement s for consideration of
complaints, 4 44–45
reviews of pract ices of, 448
role of, 442
systemic is sues, recommenda-
tions re, 445 –46
Terms of Reference, 443, 445, 448
private-sector s ervices, 442, 443– 44n
summary, 448–49
American E xpress, 402, 404, 406, 415
Associat ion for Payment Clearing Ser vi-
ces (APACS), 363
Auditors, shareholder, 116–19
appointment of, 117
duties of, 118
qualificat ions of, 117
repor t of, 118–19
rights of, 117–18
Audits, bank , 100–1
audit committ ee, 100
statutory dutie s of, 101
Authorized foreig n bank, 25, 143
defi ned, 142
Automated bank ing machines (ABMs),
156, 191, 371, 375, 376, 377, 379,
382, 384, 385, 389, 390
ABM cards, 375
single purpo se, 375
Automated Clear ing Settlement Sys-
tem (ACSS) and, 351
foreign bank s and, 142
receipts, 245
Automated Clear ing Settlement System
(ACSS), 56, 268n, 276, 340, 343n,
ACSS Rules Manual, 348, 351, 352
bank defaults, 353–54
Bank of Can ada and, 347–48, 350
bill payment s ervice, 393–94
process of, 393– 94
cheques, clea rance of, 348–49
cheque holds, 350
dishonoured cheque s, 360
paper payment ite ms, risks of,
350– 51
processing comp anies
Intria, 34 9
Sym cor, 349
classe s of participants in, 347–48
direct clea rers, 347–48, 350, 351,
352, 353, 354, 359
indirect cle arers, 347, 354, 359
defined, 346
rules of, 348
electronic item s
automated bank ing machines
(AB Ms), 351
automated fund tr ansfer (AFT)
debits, 351
categories of, 348
clearance, st reams of, 351
Corporate Cr editor Identification
Number (CCIN), 352
Data Transmi ssion Network
(DTN), 351, 35 2
electronic dat a interchange (EDI)
payment items, 352–53, 392
point-of-sale (POS) items, 351–52
risks of, 353
final sett lement, 353–55
history of, 34 6
Interac and, 377, 378
legal signi ficance for customers, 360
“on-us” items, 358
payment items p ermitted, 348
prefunded ca rds, 389
recurri ng payment systems, 392
role of, 346
settlement, defi ned, 346
third par ty payment systems (3PPS),
travellers’ c heques, 419–20
United States Bu lk Exchange System
(USBES) versus, 355
Automated fund tr ansfers (AFTs) of
credits /debits
Automated Clear ing Settlement Sys-
tem (ACSS) and, 351
United States Bu lk Exchange System
(USBE S) and, 355
Automated funds t ransfer system
(AF TS), 392
process of, 393
purpose of, 393
Bank account oper ation, 267–338
background, 269–71
collecting ba nk, 304–15
construct ive trusteeship for thi rd
party, 305, 315
requirement s for collection,
304 –11
cheque hold policy, 307–9
customer duty to repor t suspi-
cion re cheques, 307
dishonoured cheque s, 309–11
forged cheques, 308 –9
method of collection, s election
of, 305 –7
presentment for pay ment, 305,
statutory protec tion of, 311–15
delivered, define d, 297
history of, 311–13
liability of b ank for conversion,
312– 15
liability of b ank for restitution,
confidential ity, maintenance of,
324–3 8
duration and scope of, 326
exceptions to, 326–27
general, 324–25
history of, 325
need for disclosu re of finan-
cial records, i nstances of,
Index 497
Personal Informatio n Protection
and Electronic Docume nts
Act (PIPEDA), 308, 325
Privacy Model C ode, 325
statutory dutie s of, 336–38
PIPEDA, compl iance with,
unauthori zed access to finan-
cial infor mation, prevention
of, 3 36–37
Tournier v. National Provincial &
Union Bank of England, 324,
325 –36
bank’s intere sts, higher order
of, 326, 333 –34
compulsion of law, 327–31
customer consent , with ex-
press or implied, 33 4–36
higher public duty to d isclose,
326, 331–33
qualificat ions of, 327–36
general, 267–68
common law, at, 267, 268, 269
implied duty to cu stomers, 269
legal rules for accou nt operation,
267–6 8
paper versus ele ctronic trans-
actions, 268
payment, element s of, 270
clearing a nd settlement system,
movement in accounts, 270
payment mes sage, 270
third par ty, bank liability to,
269 –70
globalizat ion and, 329–31, 336
paying ba nk, 271–304
certified che ques, 280–85
certificat ion as acceptance of
payment, 282 –84
defined, 280
fraudulent, 285
history of, 28 0
lost, 284– 85
process of cert ification,
280– 82
countermand of c heques, 288,
290–9 4, 298, 303
abusive uses of, 294
accuracy, degree of requ ired,
effective ti ming of, 292
mistaken p ayment of by bank,
notice to account branch , 293
duty to pay, terminat ion of bank’s,
bankrupt cy, customer, 290
death, customer, 289
freezing of acc ounts, 289
garnish ment order for funds,
Mareva inju nction, 289
mental incap acity, customer,
money launderin g, prevention
of, 289
stale-date d cheques, 288–89
payment, requ irements for,
clearing a nd settlement system,
274– 77
sufficient fund s in account,
need for, 271–73
unambiguous c heques, fraud
prevention and, 273–74
postdated cheques, 278–79, 282
certificat ion of, 282
defin ed, 278
recovery of money pai d by mis-
ta ke, 299 –304
drawer’s intent ion to pay payee,
defence of, 301, 302
electronic fund s transfers
(EF Ts), 369
estoppel, defence of, 303
good considerat ion, defence of,
301, 302, 303
history of, 30 0–1
payee’s position cha nged, de-
fence of, 301, 302, 303–4
stop-payment orde r, 290
wrongful d ishonour of cheques,
285– 88
wrongful pa yment by, 294–99
ambiguous customer instruc-
tions, defence of, 298
careless c ustomer conduct,

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