
AuthorBarbara Von Tigerstrom
Abella, Just ice Rosalie (SCC), 143
Abortion ser vices, 144, 164n133
Absolute privi lege, 90–91
Access to Informatio n Act (ATI A). See al so
individua l provincial and terr itorial
jurisdict ions for access to informa-
tion and privac y statutes
about, 141–42, 146, 215–16
amendments, 184n 263, 218, 224,
23 0–31
Cabinet confidences, 164, 168n159
collection, use a nd disclosure, 175,
205, 214, 227, 238, 305
discretion ary exemptions, 175–76
“duty to assist” prov ision, 216
economic intere st, 175–76
ex parte submi ssions, 181–82
exclusions, 161–63
exemptions, 163– 65, 192, 195, 201,
203, 205, 206, 225, 243–44
fee s, 217 –18
government in stitutions interpret a-
tion, 149–50
in cam era hea ring s, 181–82
judicial rev iews, 224–25
legislation comp arisons, 146, 205,
206, 243
mandatory pr oactive disclosur e (Part 2),
23 0–31
oversight, 224, 383
privilege, 182, 183– 84, 186, 190–91
research disclosure, 274–75
residentia l schools records, 154
reverse onus provi sion, 206
s 3 government i nstitutions, 149, 151–52
s 14 federal-provincial rel ations, 175
s 15 foreign affairs , 175
s 19 personal inform ation exemp-
tions, 205, 206
s 19(2)(c) disclosure, 214
s 20(1)(a) trade secrets, 193– 94
s 20(1)(b) confidentia l information,
s 20(1)(c) financial exempt ions, 165
s 24 disclosure exempt ions, 163–64
s 41 access refusal, 225 –27
s 42 commissioner inve stigations, 225
s 44 third par ty disclosure, 225
severance provision, 221–22
third par ty exemptions, 192, 195, 201,
203, 225
Access to infor mation and privacy (ATIP).
See also Freedom of infor mation
and privacy (FOIP); Personal hea lth
informat ion (PHI); Persona l infor-
mation (private sec tor); Personal
informat ion (public sector)
abortion recor ds, 144
about legislation , 1–2, 140, 146–47, 232
access proces s, 215–28
adminis trative tribuna ls, 144–45, 156
custody and cont rol, 150–61
exclusions, 161–63
government records, 205–15
ombudsman mode l, 223
open government objectives, 228–31
oversight and enforcement, 222–28
prima facie r ight, 9, 143
processes, 215–22
public bodies, 148–50
purposes, 238
“quasi-con stitutional,” 146
records man agement, 148, 218, 220–21
refu sals, 218, 219 –20
requests, 217–20, 224–25, 228
right of access e xemptions, 163–215
Access to Informatio n Regulations, 217
Accountabilit y principles, 373–76
Adminis trative monetary pena lty (AMP),
422–2 9
Adminis trative tribunal s, 144– 45, 156
Administrative Tribunals Act (SBC 200 4),
273 –74
Adoption record s (vital s tatistics), 15–17
Agreement on Technical Barrie rs to Trade,
Air Atonabee Ltd v Cana da (Minister of
Transport) cas e, 196, 198
Air Canad a, 114
Alberta Cou rt of Appeal. See also
Alberta In formation and Privacy
confidenti ality, 198
damages li mitation period, 392
drivers’ lice nce numbers, 303, 347–48
journalistic collection purposes, 321
legislation i nterpretation (privacy
ri ghts), 296– 97
personal i nformation (individual vs
obj ect), 3 03– 4
personal information request , 238
settlement pri vilege, 187
vehicle plate numb ers, 303–4
Alberta Cou rt of Queen’s Bench, 106,
260– 61, 448, 451
Alberta Env ironment (remediation
agreement), 200–1
Alberta Evide nce Act (2000), 471
Alberta Freedo m of Information and Pro-
tection of Privacy A ct (AB FOIP PA)
commissioner oversight, 223n538
harm-ba sed exemptions, 201n391
personal i nformation disclosure, 189,
260 –61
personal information exception s,
213n 476, 242
third par ty exemptions, 193–94
Alberta Hea lth Information Act (AB HIA)
affiliates (custodians), 460
breach notif ication obligations, 484
harm-based exception, 466
health in formation consent, 475,
476n2 53
health in formation identity, 457
mandatory e xemptions, 471
Netcare access (electr onic health
rec ords) , 478–7 9
research consent requirement, 492n357
third par ty exemption, 469n212
Alberta In formation and Privacy Com-
missioner. See also Albert a Court of
access investigations, 223n537
authority and over sight, 189–90, 287,
383, 386–87
binding orde r authority, 386–87
breach report ing and notification
guidelines, 381–83
complaints proc ess, 238, 383–86
consent guidel ines, 351–52n375, 355,
custody or control, 158
damages an d limitation period, 392
disclosure, 260–61
employee informat ion (indiv idual vs
obj ect), 3 03
exclusions, 30 8
guidance doc ument (driver s’ licence
num ber s), 347– 48
health in formation consent, 475
information sh aring and cooperation,
request refu sals, 327–28
solicitor-client pr ivilege and author-
it y, 189 –90
Alberta (Informa tion and Privacy Commis-
sioner) v University of Calgary cas e,
189, 1 90– 91

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