
AuthorKathy L. Brock/Geoffrey Hale
: How the Fathers Made a Deal, n,
Aboriginal pe oples. See also Indigenous
constitutional term, as, , , ,
participation in constitutional dis-
cussions, , , , n
special status of, 
Age of Consequence, e, n
Aging, population, , –, ,
, 
Ajzenstat, Janet, , n
conf‌lictual policy relations with fed-
eral government, , , , 
domestic and international trade
relations, , 
entry into Confederation, –
federal transfer and f‌iscal capacity,
immigrant settlement and reten-
tion, , –
jurisdiction over resource revenues
and development, , , ,
management of boundary waters
with Montana, 
political culture and identity as
distinct, , , , . See
also Alienation, regional
political party systems in, , 
representation in Parliament, , 
spending on health, education,
social protection, –
tax revenues of, 
western agreement for labour
mobility, , 
Alberta Formed, Alberta Transformed,
Alcantara, C, n
Alienation, regional, , , –,
, n
Anderson, G, n, n
Anderson, R, n
Anti-Inf‌lation Act, 
Assembly of First Nations, 
At the Centre of Government, n
Atlantic Accord, 
Attorney General of Canada v Attorney
General of Ontario an d Others (Labour
Conventions case), –, ,
Attorney General of Ontario v Attorney
General of Canada (Local Prohibition
Case), , n
Attorney General of Ontario v Canada
Temperance Federation, 
Australia, federal system in, –, 
Baier, G, n
Bakvis, H, n, n, n
Batoche, Battle of, 
Beaulieu, A, n
Beckman v Little Salmon/Carmacks First
Nation, , n
Berdahl, L, n
Bill : Alberta Sovereignty within a United
Canada, n
Blake, RB, n
British Columbia
Canadian/provincial identity
in, 
conf‌lictual policy relations with
federal government, 
entry into Confederation, 
federal transfer and f‌iscal capacity,
immigrant settlement and reten-
tion, , –
nationalization of BC Electric, 
political party systems in, , 
receipt of Crown lands, 
reducing trade and labour mobility
barriers, , 
representation in House of Com-
mons, 
spending on health, education,
social protection, –
tax revenues of, , n
western agreement for labour
mobility, 
British North America Act, , n,
n, n. See also Constitution
Act, 
giving federal govern ment authority
to levy excise taxes, 
imposing federal system on respon-
sible parliamentary govern-
ment, 
proclamation of, , 
resolutions and conditions of, , 
right to disallow provincial legis-
lation, 
British North America Act, , 
Brock, KL, n, n
Brodie, I, n
Brown, DM, n, n
Brown, George, , 
Brown, Justice Russell, , 
Browne, GP, , n
Building Cross-Border Links: A Compen-
dium of Canada-U.S. Government
Collaboration, n
Cadigan, ST, n
Cairns, Alan, , n, n
Caisse de Dépôt, 
Calder v Attorney General of British Colum-
bia, , 
Calgary Declaration, 
Canada, Dominion of
instituted as federal union, –, 
parliamentary federation, as, , 
union of Upper and Lower, 
Canada Act, , 
Canada Free Trade Agreement, 
Canada Health Act, 
Canada Health Transfer, 
Canada in Question: Federalism in the
Seventies, n
Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
amendments/reforms to, –, ,
central to income security, 
funding of, , , 
governance of, –, 
legislation covering, n
long-term sustainability of, –
Canada Pension Plan Investment
Board (CPPIB), 

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