About the Author

AuthorLesley Ellen Harris
ProfessionLawyer, author, and educator
About the Author
Lesley Ellen Harris is an author, educator, and lawyer. She earned
her J.D. from Osgoode Hall Law School in 1985 and was called to
the Ontario Bar in 1987. From 1987 through 1991, she worked as
Senior Copyright O cer, Heritage Canada, revising Canada s copy-
right laws. Since 1991, Ms. Harris has wr itten screenplays (and even
had one optioned!), books, articles, blog posts, and tweets; taught
thousands of nonlawyer students about copyright; and consulted on
Canadian, Amer ican, and international copyright issues with a variety
of organizations.
Ms. Harris develops and teaches in-person and online courses at the
university level, as professional development in conjunction with several
professional associations, and through Copyrightlaws.com . At the profes-
sional development level, Ms. Har ris ’s goal is to provide practical courses
that help nonlawyers manage their copyright and licensing issues.
Ms. Harris works with for-pro t and nonpro t organizations, pub-
lishers, libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions, corpora-
tions, associations, and government departments to create educational
materials on copyright, copyright compliance policies, permissions
guidelines and procedures, ensuring copyright compliance in digital
projects, measures to protect content and monitor unauthorized uses of
content, and much more. Her approach is pragmatic, business- oriented,
and strategic.
Ms. Harris has spoken on copyright law at conferences in the United
States, Canada, Mexico, and Europe.
babout.indd 339 21-09-2013 14:41:23

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