Appendix - Conditions of sale of the Street Railway Franchise of the City of Toronto, as adopted by the City Council May 5th, 1891.

AuthorC. Ian Kyer
 Theprivilege tobed isposedof isthe exclusiverightsubject asherei n
after provided) to operate surface street railways in the City of Toronto
exceptingontheIslandandon thatportionifanyofYongestreet
which the Metropolitan Street Ra ilwayCompany claim s an exclusive
right to operate such railways and the portion (if any) of Queen street
west (Lake Shore Road) over which any exclusive right to operate surface
street railways may have been granted by the Corporation of the County
of York — for a period of twenty years, which shall be re newed for a
further period of ten years i n the event of legislation being obtained to
enable this to be done; and the City will as sist in endeavouring to secure
such leg islation.
aOver those por tions of Yonge street and Queen str eet west Lake
Shore Road) above indicated, the purchaser shall have an exclusive
right to operate surface street railways, so far as the City can legally
grant the same.
 Theparty whosetender isacceptedandwho isherein calledthe pur
chasermusttakeoverall thepropertytobe acquiredbytheCityf rom
the Toronto Street Railway Company, as it stands on the date of the
acceptance of the tender, including the rails, points a nd substructures
of all tracks now laid, real estate, buildings, shops, rolling stock, horses,

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