Family Structures and Canadian Family Law

AuthorJulien D. Payne, Marilyn A. Payne
 
Family Structures and Canadian
Family Law
e term “fam ily” does not have a precise legal denition. L aw tends to regu-
late the rights and obl igations of indiv iduals, as dist inct from groups, such
as famil ies, however they may be constituted. C anadian fa mily law might
more properly be called the L aw of Persons insofar as it concentrates on the
rights of indiv iduals whose family relationships have be come dysfunctional.
In short, Canad ian family l aw deals prima rily with t he pathology of family
breakdown and its lega l consequences.
People often perceive “marri age” and “family” as sy nonymous but these
words are not interchangeable in law. e term “ family” is elusive and dees
exact denit ion. Many, but not all, Canadi an families a re the product of a
marri age. More often than not, the presence of c hildren signi es a family
relationship. Ch ildren may be born within or outs ide of marriage. eir par-
ents may or may not live together. e parents may have lived toget her before
or after the birt h of the child but may no longer do so by reason of sepa ration
or divorce. Some child ren are adopted. In relat ively rare situations, a child ’s
birth may have resu lted from surrogate parentin g arrangements or the use
of new reproductive technolog ies Chi ldren are usual ly family members of
the household in which the y reside but this is not invariably true. Some ch il-
dren do not live with either of t heir parents or with aunts, unc les, or grand-
parents ey may live in fost er homes or even with f riends or neighbou rs A
new de facto family m ay co-exist with the fa mily of origin.
Family relationsh ips can exist when t here is neither marri age nor a par-
ent-child or ancest ral relationship. Unmarr ied couples of the opposite sex or
same-sex m ay be regarded as members of the same fa mily for social or legal

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