
AuthorDavid A. Potts
ProfessionBarrister, Bar of Ontario
Absolute hyperlin ks, 
Absolute privilege defence , , 
Abuse of process
motions of, , , 
UK Internet libel ac tions stayed as an,
–, 
abuse of process case s, groups of,
 –
cost vs. benet of result s achieved,
forum shopping, dism issed for,
limited publicat ions, dismissed
for, 
purpose, improper, –
resources, disprop ortionate use
of, 
success, litt le likelihood of,
dismissed for, 
abuse of process in domest ic libel
actions, –
application of concept of, –
development of concept of, 
general, –
jurisdict ion, rare exercise of, 
motion, timing of t he, 
not an abuse of process, –
damaged reputation, –
defamatory mater ial remains on
Internet, 
defendant’s attitude, relev ance
of, 
forum shopping, non-ex istent,
high proceedi ngs’ costs &/or use
of judicial resource s, –
incomplete evidence, –
multi-jurisdic tional claims, 
similar a llegations by others, 
principles, statement of, –,
Aggravated da mages, 
Amoudi principle, 
Anonymous authors, identi cation of, ,
balancing i nterests, 
notice to author, obligation to give,
Canada, in,  –
mandatory notice
reasons agains t, –
reasons for, –
the UK, in,  
the US, in, –
Personal Information P rotection and
Electronic Docum ents Act (PIPEDA)
and, , 
limitations of pol icies, –
reasonable expect ation of Internet
users’, –
proceedings, du ring course of, –
applicable law, analysis of, 
Charter of Right s and Freedoms and,
–, 
500 Cyberlibel: Information Warfare in the st Century
disclosure request s vs. engage-
ment of values of, –
litigation process: r ights vs.
disclosure request , –
role of court when values of
engaged, 
relevant principles vs. pre sent pro-
ceeding, – 
proceedings, prior to c ommencing,
ways to achieve, 
ways to lose, –
author identity, process of obtai ning,
factors to consider, –
remedies, Canad a and UK, in, –
ascertai ning author names,
other means of, –
non-parties wit h leave
discoveries of, –
production of, –
Norwich Pharma cal Order,
–, –. See also No r-
wich Pharmacal O rder
Apologies, defamator y material, for, , ,
, , , , , , , , , ,
, , , 
damages, impl ications for, –
guidelines for, 
Assets, cy berlibel vs. oine libel lit igation
and, 
Assumed juris diction, –, 
A.T. v. L.T.H., invasion of privacy and,  ,
–, 
conicting i nterests in, –
freedom of expression, –
right to privacy, –
rights and free doms, balancing,
Automatic hyperlin ks. See Hyperlinks,
Blogs, 
Australia n legislation on, –
Canadian leg islation on, –
oine libel or defa mation laws vs., 
Boolean system, s earch engines and, –
Breach of condence, , –, 
Broadcasting , , 
Browsers, , , , , –, – ,
, –, 
Bulletin B osrds, , , , , , , ,
, , –, , , , ,
Bunt v. Tilley & Ors, intermed iary liability
in defamation act ions and, , ,
, , , , , , ,  , ,
Caching, , –, , –, 
AOL, use of by, –
Canadian leg islation on, 
UK legislation on, – 
Canadian l ibel law, US libel law vs., –
Carpet bombing , 
Carriers, 
Carter v. B.C. Federation of Foste r Parents,
Internet publications a nd, , , ,
–, , , , , –, , ,
Cause of action and defenc es
defamatory mea ning, forms of, –
basic forms of, –
inferential mea ning, –
legal innuendo, 
literal mean ing, 
context and mode of publicat ion,
–, 
audiovisual def amation, –
plainti, reference to t he, –
general, 
“of the plainti ” phrase, need for, 
two-part test , –
publication and hype rlinks, –
Canadian law
no presumption of publication
on Internet, –
analysis of, –
statutory presumpt ions, 
Crookes v. Newton, Interne t publica-
tion decisions prior to,  –
Carter v. B.C. Federation of
Foster Parents, –
Crookes v. Pilling, –
Crookes v. Yahoo!, –
hyperli nks
automatic/embedded vs. user-
activated, –
Crookes v. Newton, –

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