
AuthorJeffrey Berryman
Abatement, spec if‌ic performance with
land contract s, 308, 373–76
purchaser ’s action, 373–76
vendor’s action, 376
Accessibil ity thresholds
constitut ional litigation, 88 –89
crimin al law, injunctions in aid, 233,
234, 236
public interest st anding, 238–42
defamation an d injurious falsehood,
def‌ined, 513
free speech re straint, 84– 85
intellectua l property, 73–74
copyright in fringement, 73
patent infr ingement, 74
trademark s and passing-off, 73
interlocutory i njunctions, 32–35
alternat ive tests, 48–50
American Cyan amid, 33–34, 73,
74, 88, 234
Anton Piller injunct ions, 144–45
classica l model, 33, 34
irrepara ble harm, integration,
mandatory i njunctions, 68–69
Mareva inju nctions, 119–20
“multi-factor” t est, 34
prima facie c ase, 33
RJR-MacDonald, 34–35, 83
“serious iss ue to be tried,” 33, 35
labour disput es, 83
medical tre atment cases, 100
municipal by-law i nfringement, 97
public nuisance act ions, 232
restrai nt of trade clauses, 70–71
Acquiescence. See Delay
Admini strative law. See also Judicial
injunctions, role, 247–58
adminis trative agency remedy,
Crown, injunct ions against,
judicial rev iew remedy, 249–50
pending judic ial review, 250–51
sta ndin g, 247
Anton Piller applicat ions, 159–61
full and fr ank disclosure. See Full
and frank d isclosure
labour disput es, 81
Anti-suit inju nctions, 171–83
generally, 171
jurisdic tion, 172–83
alternati ve forum cases, 179

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