Direct Enforcement Against the Core Crimes: International and Internationalized Criminal Courts

AuthorRobert J. Currie
ProfessionSchulich School of Law, Dalhousie University
cHA PteR 4
A. IntRodUctIon
A truly international criminal law (ICL), with justice dispensed by
international criminal courts, is undoubtedly one of the most import-
ant legal developments of the twentieth century. As noted in the his-
torical survey of international criminal law in Chapter 1, the pre-and
early-twentieth-century prototypical ICL proscribed certain acts, but
directed the proscriptions towards states in the form of obligations
to prevent certain conduct. The idea of an offender being liable under
international law and being tried before an international court was real-
ized, for all practical purposes,1 only after WW II, in the form of the
Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals. While the political conditions created
by the Cold War put international criminal justice on the back burner
for some decades, in the late twentieth century the project was revived
and has developed at what can only be viewed as an astonishing pace.
The highest point, perhaps, has been the founding of the International
Criminal Court (ICC), but the international community has appar-
1 The f‌irst intern ational crimina l prosecution is often said to be t hat of Peter von
Hagenbach, who wa s tried, convicted, and exec uted in 1474 for atrocities com-
mitted duri ng the occupation of Breisach; se e Georg Schwarzenberger, Inter-
national Law a s Applied by Internation al Courts and Tribunals, vol. II (London:
Stevens & Sons, 1968) c. 39; M. Cher if Bassiouni, “From Versaille s to Rwanda
in Seventy-Five Years: The Need to E stablish a Permanent Inter national Crim-
inal Court” (1997) 10 Harv. Hum. Rts. J. 11.
ently grown so comfortable with the use of criminal tribunals with
international aspects that a number have been founded and more are
proposed — to the extent that it is not unusual to hear commentators
suggesting “tribunal fatigue.”2
There can be no doubt that international criminal justice is indeed
“an idea whose time has come,3 and while the other important piece
is to create a climate that facilitates domestic prosecutions, there is
every reason to believe that international prosecutions will continue
to occur. The goal of this chapter is to survey and examine the salient
features of the courts which have carried out and continue to carry out
this important work. A look at the post–WW II prosecutions will be
followed by treatment, in turn, of the United Nations ad hoc tribun als
(former Yugoslavia and Rwanda), the ICC, and f‌inally what are often
referred to as “internationalized” or “hybrid” tribunals.
B. tHe nUR emBeRg And tokYo
tR IBUn A ls
The seeds for modern international criminal justice were planted just
after the conclusion of WW I through efforts by the victorious Allied
Powers to continue the vanquishing of Germany, in particular. This
would be accomplished by the trials of senior state off‌icials, including
the Kaiser of Germany, for breaches of the laws of war, the “laws of
humanity,” and the making of aggressive war. The “Commission on the
Responsibility of the Authors of War and on the Enforcement of Pen-
alties,” set up to investigate the causes of the war and to recommend
solutions, proposed the creation of an Allied “High Tribunal” to tr y
German war criminals.4 It also suggested that, while there appeared
to be no crime of aggression for which the Kaiser could be held liable,
he could nonetheless be tried for the treaty breaches inherent in the
beginning of the war. The latter measure, which appeared in article
2 Steven Ratner & Ja son Abrams, Accountability for Huma n Rights Atrocities in
Internati onal Law: Beyond the Nuremberg Legacy, 2d ed. (Oxford: Ox ford Univer-
sity Press , 2001) at 318; Statement by Judge Fausto Pocar, Preside nt, Inter-
national Cr iminal Tribunal for the for mer Yugoslavia to the Securit y Council on
4 June 2008, onli ne: ress/docs/200 8/sc9347.doc.htm.
3 William S chabas, “The Internationa l Criminal Court : An Idea Whose Time Has
Come,” John E. Read Memorial L ecture, delivered at Dalhous ie University, 27
November 2007 (copy on f‌ile).
4 Report of the Commi ssion to the Preliminary Peace Conference, reprinte d in (1920)
14 A.J.I.L. 95.
Direct Enforcement a gainst the Core Crimes 161
227 of the Treaty of Versailles,5 was foiled by the refusal of the govern-
ment of the Netherlands (to which the Kaiser had f‌led) to extradite
him. As for the crime of aggression, which was contemplated in articles
228 and 229 of the Treaty of Versailles, prosecution was abandoned,
and the only prosecutions that ultimately took place were carried out
by German courts, with questionable results.6 An attempt to prosecute
Turkish war crimes perpetrators7 was thwarted by the 1923 Treaty of
Lausanne,8 which imposed a general amnesty. Later, in 1937, a League
of Nations treaty for the formation of an international criminal court
to try terrorist offences was concluded, but did not come into force for
lack of state support.9
Nonetheless, the idea of international war crimes trials was re-in-
vigorated when the world was faced with the problem of how to deal
with the incredible monstrosities of the Nazi regime and act s com-
mitted during the Japanese occupation of parts of Asia. This was in
no small part because the US, which had resisted many aspects of the
Commission’s proposals in 1920, was in 1945 an enthusiastic propon-
ent of holding war crimes trials. American Justice Robert Jackson, who
later became the US Chief Prosecutor at Nuremberg, took an active
leadership role in convincing other Allied leaders (notably Winston
Churchill) that fair and public trials would be preferable to summary
execution of Nazi leaders, not least to legitimi ze the process in the eyes
of the world and leave a fulsome historical record that would chal-
lenge future complacency. Accordingly, the UK, France, the US, and
the Soviet Union met in London in 1945 and concluded the London
Agreement of 8 August 1945 which established the Ch arter for the Inter-
national Military Tribunal (IMT Charter).10 The IMT Charter provided
that individuals would be tried for “war crimes,” “crimes again st hu-
5 112 B.F.S.P. 1 (1919).
6 The so-calle d Leipzig trials, held b y Germany (with some Allied i nput as to who
would be tried) from 1921–23, tried a re latively small number of offende rs and
imposed light s entences. For a contemporary account, s ee Claud Mullins, The
Leipzig Trials: An Account of the Crimina ls’ Trials an d a Study of German Mentality
(London: H.F. & G. Witherby, 1921).
7 The initial pe ace treaty between the A llies and Turkey, the Treaty of Sè vres,
provided for the est ablishment of an internat ional war crimes tr ibunal and an
ad hoc court to dea l with the Armenia n massacre (reprinted at (1921), 15 A.J.I.L.
179, arts. 227 and 230).
8 Treaty of Lausanne betwee n Principal Allied and Associated Powers a nd Turkey
(1923), 28 L.N.T.S. 11.
9 See Vespasia n Pella, “Toward s an International Cr iminal Court” (1950) 44
A.J.I.L. 37.

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