
AuthorWilliam A. Schabas
This book is an innovation as far as Canadian legal practitioners, schol-
ars, and l aw students are concerned. Academics from France, for ex-
ample, h ave for many year s published lengthy manuals covering t he
f‌ield of Droit inter national pénal, but I cannot think of a country from
the common law tr adition with any thing sim ilar. The Americans have
their case books, containing lengthy excerpts from judgments and
hypotheticals for classroom discussion, but nothing along the lines of
a comprehensive monograph.
Nothing could seem more appropriate today, g iven Can ada’s pro-
found, and in some ways, pioneering role in the related disciplines that
Robert Currie accurately disting uishes with the labels “international
criminal law” and “transnational criminal law.” In recent times, Canada
has been very much at the forefront, but this wa s not always the case.
Although essentia lly idiosyncrat ic developments concerning inter-
national criminal prosecution d ate back to the Middle Ages, there was
nothing resembling the f‌ield as it now exists until the Pari s Peace Con-
ference of 1919. Ambitious plans to prosecute war criminals for the
ancestors of what we now call genocide, crimes against humanity, and
aggression were set out in the post-war treaties, but t hese pl ans were
never properly implemented. Nothi ng sig nif‌icant is known about the
Canadian position in t his area. Our countr y was pre sent at Versailles,
but f‌ledgling Canadian diplomats were still to some extent operating in
the shadow of the British Empire. International crimina l law must have
been a remote concern to them.

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