Preface and Acknowledgments

AuthorRobert J. Currie
ProfessionSchulich School of Law, Dalhousie University
As I began to tell friends and colleagues that I was w riting a book on
international and tran snational criminal law, the response tended to
be that this sounded very interesting, “war crimes stuff and all that.” A
few ventured that this must be something of a rarif‌ied f‌ield of law, even
obscure. Twenty years ago, they would have been correct; international
crimina l law rested on the aging edif‌ice of the Charter of the Inte rna-
tional Military Tribunal (Nuremberg) and the Eichmann tr ial, as well as
a few war crimes treaties that rarely saw any tra ff‌ic; the International
Criminal Court was still just an idea; and tran snational crimin al law
was a mixed bag of treaties on specif‌ied acts, along with old extradition
treaties and some scratchings at inter-state ev idence-gathering cooper-
ation. The Canadian law and practice on point was mostly moribund.
What a difference two decade s can make. As I write th is preface,
the world is celebrating the anniversa ry of the fall of the Berli n Wall,
twenty years ago to the day. While the end of the Cold War was not the
only prime mover in the revival of this f‌ield, it is a historical marker
that prefaced a time of signif‌icant development in international as well
as transnational criminal law. As this book was going to press, a sitting
head of state wa s under indictment by a perm anent and functioning In-
tern ational Crimin al Court , a former he ad of stat e was bei ng tried by the
Special Cour t for Sierra Leone, and R adovan Karadzić was t angling with
the Inter national Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia over his
conduct of his own defence on genocide charges. In Canada, a bill was
going through Parli ament t hat was designed, in part, to allow Canada

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