
AuthorRobert J. Currie
ProfessionSchulich School of Law, Dalhousie University
Abduction, 473–79. See also Extrad ition,
abduction, and ex traordinary
rendition, alter natives to
Additional Proto cols to the Geneva Con-
ventio ns, 225, 251
Ad hoc tribun als, United Nations. See
United Nations ad h oc tribunals,
direct enforceme nt against core
Admissib ility of evidence gathered in
foreign states, 50 9–37
admissibi lity of foreign-gathered
catalogue s of factors, 513, 514
no test for, 513
Afghani stan law, governing activitie s
of Canadia n forces personnel, 525
avoiding extr aterritorial applicat ion
of the Canadian Ch arter of Rights
and Freedoms, 515
Canada-US Mutual L egal Assistance
Tre at y (ML AT), 515
evidence in accord ance with law
of requesting st ate, 515
Canadian Char ter of Rights and Free-
doms (Charter), 536
applies to tri al held in Canada,
evidence gather ed by foreign of-
f‌icials, exclude d, 511
s. 32 stage, 521
territori ally limited, 526
trial fa irness stage, 521
Canadia n forces personnel, 525
Canadia n off‌icials, 515
investigati ve activities in foreign
states, 516
Canadia n police, policy goal, partic i-
pation in tra nsnational investig a-
tions, 533
Canadia n Security Intelligence S er-
vice (CSIS), 524
Canadian Secur ity Intelligence Service
Act, 524
Controlled Drugs and Substa nces Act
(CDSA), 519
Criminal Code, 524, 525
domestic law, extrat erritorial applica-
tion, 531
Canadian Char ter of Rights and
Freedom s, 509, 510, 511
caselaw deve loped, 509
gathered by Can adian off‌icials,
gathered by foreign of f‌icials,
foreign off‌icial s, 509
foreign states, 50 9
internat ional criminal coope ration
obligations, 516
internat ional humanitaria n law
(IHL), 526
police, joint or cooperat ive investiga-
tions, 531
testimony, caregi vers, 515
Afghani stan, 1, 265, 280, 362, 525, 527,
African Un ion, 183, 221, 482
Agreement for the Prosecut ion and Punish-
ment of Major War Criminals of the
European Axis , and Establishing the
Charter of the Inte rnational Mil-
itary Tribunal (IMT Char ter), 5
Aggres sion, 152–56
def‌ined, 155
Draft Code of Cr imes against the
Peace and Secur ity of Mankind,
Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, 153
Nuremberg Tribuna l, 153
prosecuting i ndividuals, maki ng ag-
gressive wa r, 153
Rome Statute, 155, 156
Special Working Group on t he Crime
of Aggres sion, 155, 156
UN Charter, 154, 155
Aircraft . See Jurisdiction, intern ational
and trans national crime
Al-Qaeda, 359, 362, 363
Antarctic. See Ju risdiction, intern ational
and trans national crime
AP I. See First Protocol to the Gene va
AP II. See Second Protocol to the Ge neva
Apartheid, 293 –95
1968 Conven tion on Non-Applic-
ability of Statutor y Limitations
to War Crimes and Crimes
against Humanity , 293
1973 Inter national Convention on
the Suppression and Pu nishment
of the Crime of Aparthei d, 293
Apartheid Conven tion, 12, 178,
294, 295
Canada, 295
crime agai nst humanity, 293
Genocide Conven tion, 294
South Afric a, 293
UN, 294
Apartheid Conven tion, 12, 178, 294, 295
Arab Convention on the Suppress ion of
Terrorism, 298
Arar, Maher, 480
Arctic region. See Jur isdiction, inter-
national and t ransnational cr ime
Aut dedere aut judi care, 19, 20, 96, 97, 98,
139, 216, 307, 309, 310, 348, 349,
351, 353, 358, 361, 365, 369, 372,
375, 376, 399, 448, 515
bin Laden, Osa ma, 362, 363
Bosnia and He rzegovina, 168, 211, 477,
CAH Act. See Crimes Against Huma nity
and War Crimes Act
Cambodia , 10, 207, 208, 389, 391
Canadian Char ter of Rights and Freedoms
(Charter), 16, 26, 28, 29, 38, 40,
41, 42, 67, 229, 232, 237, 238, 253,
254, 255, 256, 260, 279, 280, 292,
314, 329, 409, 458, 465, 466, 469,
470, 479, 489, 490, 491, 493, 495,
496, 594
Canadia n Security Intelligence S ervice
(CSIS), 26, 267, 328, 524, 525, 527
CAT. See United Nations Conve ntion
against Torture and other Cruel,
Inhuman and Degrading Treatment
or Punishment (CAT )
CDSA. See Controlled Drugs an d Substan-
ces Act
Central Af rican Republic, 181, 183, 192,
Charter. See Canadian Ch arter of Rights
and Freedoms
Charter of the Inte rnational Military Tri-
bunal (IMT Charter), 7, 118, 120,
128, 132, 147, 161, 162, 163, 164,
217, 232, 266, 549
Chicago Convention on Inter national Civil
Avia tion , 61

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