
AuthorFrank Zaid
ProfessionSenior Partner Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
A&W Restaurant s, 2
Advertising funds
disclosu re, 63, 354
franchise agreement, 17
internet, 127
nature of, 285
Alberta Fr anchisees Institute, 2 6
Franchise A ssociation of Alber ta, 26
Guarantees Acknowledgement Act, 249
Alternate d ispute resolution case s, 339;
see also Arthur Wishar t Act (Fran-
chise Disclosure), 2000, alternate
dispute res olution
American B ar Association Forum on
Franchising, 9
Annual Forum , 9
Franchise L aw Journal, 9
Franchise L awyer, 9
Fundamentals of Franchising®
— Canada, 9
Arbitration; see Alternate di spute resolu-
tion cases; see also Arthur Wishart
Act (Franchise Disclosure),2000,
alternate d ispute resolution
Area development agre ements, 22
Arthur Wishart Act (Franchise D isclosure),
2000, 5, 6, 6, 23, 30, 33, 38
advertising fund, 63
alternate d ispute resolution, 60
annual operating costs, 61
application, 43
breach, 39
certificate of disclosure, 58
closures, 65
confidentiality agreements, 45
costs of establ ishment, 61
delivery, 49
disclosure cases, 71
disclosur e document, 6, 39, 45, 60
earnin gs projection, 62
exclusive ter ritory, 65
exemptions, 39, 44, 46
fair dealing, 39, 53
financial information and exemp-
tion, 55
financial statements and exemption,
57, 58
financing arrangements, 62
franchise, 40, 42
franchise agreement, 42
franchisor information, 60

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