Table of cases

AuthorGib van Ert
Table of Cases
International and Regional Decisions
Administ rative Tribunal case [] ICJ Rep  .............................................. 
Advisory O pinion OC-/ () I/A Court HR Series A no.  ................
Anglo-Nor wegian Fisheries case [] ICJ Rep  ........................................
Asylum case [] ICJ Rep  .........................................................................
Barcelona Traction, Lig ht and Power Company, Ltd. Case
(Belgium v. Spain) (Second Phase) [] ICJ Rep ..................................
Case /, Von Colson and K amann v. Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
[] ECR  ...........................................................................................
Case C-/, Marleasi ng SA v. La Comercial Internaciona le
de Alimentac ion SA [] ECR I- .......................................................
Case C-/, Crimi nal Proceedings Aga inst Luciano Arcaro []
ECR I- (ECJ) ........................................................................................ 
Chorzów Factory () PCIJ, Series A , no.  ..................................................
Continental Shel f (Libya v. Tunisia) [] ICJ Rep  ....................................
Eastern Greenl and case () PCIJ Ser A/ B, no.  ........................................
Fisheries Jurisd iction case (Jurisdict ion) [] ICJ Rep  ............................ 
Fisheries Jurisd iction case (Merits) [] ICJ Rep  ......................................
Frontier Dispute case (Bu rkina Faso v. Mali) [] ICJ Rep  .................. 
Japan — Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages W T/DS/AB/R, WT/DS/AB/R, WT/
DS/AB/R, Appe llate Body Report (AB --) ......................................
Juridical C ondition and Rights of the Undocumented Mig rants,
Advisory O pinion Inter-American C ourt of Human Rights
(ser. A) no.  () ....................................................................................
Jurisdict ion of the Courts of Danzig () PCIJ, Series B, no.  ..................

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