Table of statutes

AuthorGib van Ert
Table of Statutes
Aeronautics Act R SC  c. A- ......................................................................
Alberta B ill of Rights RSA  c . A- ..........................................................
An Act respec ting Constitutional Amend ments SC  c.  ..........................
An Act respec ting Fishing by Foreign Vessels RSC   c.  .........................
An Act respec ting the exercise of the Funda mental Rights and
Prerogatives of the Québec People a nd the Québec State
SQ  c.  ............................................................................................ 
An Act respec ting the implementation of internation al trade
agreements RSQ c. M -. ............................................................................
An Act respec ting the Ministère des Rel ations internationales
RSQ c. M-.. ............................................................................................
An Act to amend t he Canada-United States Tax Convention Act
 SC  c.  ......................................................................................
An Act to Amend t he Civil Code and the Code of Civ il Procedure
in Respect of A rbitration SQ  c.  .................................................. 
Anti-Personnel Mine s Convention Implementation Act SC  c.  ............ 
Bill of Rig hts  (UK)  Willi am & Mary sess.  c.  ..............., ,  –
British North Amer ica Act, . See Constitution Act, 
British North Amer ica Act, . See Constitution Act, 
Broadcasting Ac t SC – c.  ....................................................., –
Canada Evid ence Act RSC  c. E- ....................................................., 
Canada Evid ence Act RSC  c. C- .................................................., –
Canada Sh ipping Act  SC  c.  .........................................................
Canada Sh ipping Act RSC  c. S- ..............................................................
Canada- Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
SC  c.  ................................................................................... , , 

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