
AuthorMarshall Rothstein
When I started practising transportation law in 1966, the bible was
H.E.B. Coyne’s 1948 edition of the Annot ated Railway Act. Telegraph
and telephone services were heavily regulated in fewer than twenty sec-
tions of the Railway Act, which consisted of a total of 460 sections. The
focus was on regul ating interference by telegraph and telephone lines
with railways and highways. Rates and tolls were regulated in much
the same way as railway freight rates. Radio and television was entirely
separate. Technological change was hardly on the radar screen. Today,
that environment seems like it belongs in the Stone Age. By comparison
to the context of today, it was the Stone Age.
We live in an entirely dif ferent telecommunicat ions world today.
The historical distinctions between the traditional broadcast and non-
broadcast sectors of the telecommunications industry are blurring.
Deregulation and changing technologies have resulted in complex chal-
lenges for regulators, carriers, broadcasters, consumers, and content
creators. Telecommunications technologies are chang ing at an ext ra-
ordinarily rapid pace: the technologies used f‌ive years ago are often ob-
solete when compared to those used today. The impact of these changes
is further increased when one takes into account the controlled deregu-
lation of the telecommunications industr y that has occurred over the
last few decades. A ll of this change has resulted in new issues to chal-
lenge the legal community.
Robert Howell’s Canadian Telecommunications Law makes an e x-
tremely valuable and, importantly, an up-to-date contribution to the

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