Selected further readings

AuthorRobert G. Howell
ProfessionProfessor. Faculty of Law University of Victoria British Columbia
BA B E , RO B E R T E. Telecommunications in Canada: Technology, Industry,
and Government (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993)
BL A C K , SH A R O N . Telecommunications Law in the Internet Age (San Fran-
cisco: Morgan Kauffman, 2002)
BR E C H E R , JA Y E T A L . Media and Postal Communications, Halsbur y’s Laws
of Canada (Markham, ON: LexisNexis, 2007–)
GR A N T, P ET E R S. E T A L . Cana dian Broadcasting Regulatory Handbook,
2002, 7th ed. (Toronto: McCarthy Tétrault, 2004)
HA N D A , SU N N Y . Communications Law in Canad a, looseleaf (Toronto:
Butterworths, 2000 –)
HA N D A , SU N N Y E T A L . Communicat ions, Halsbury’s Laws of Canada
(Markham, ON: LexisNexis, 20 07–)
RY A N , MI C H A E L H. Canadian Telecommunications Law and Regulation,
looseleaf (Scarborough, ON: Carswell, 1993–)
SA L T E R , LI O R A E T A L . The CRTC and Broadcasting Regulation in Canada
(Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2008)

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