
AuthorJoseph Rikhof/Robert J Currie
9/11 attacks. See World Trade Center
and Pentagon attack s (9/11)
Abduction, 561–67. See also Hostage-
taking; Kid napping
Alvarez case, 563 –64
Charter violat ion, 567
Eichmann case, 563
extrad ition alternative, 560
internat ional human rights v iolation,
561–62, 566–67
internat ional law norm violation,
562– 67
abuse of process ap proach,
mala captus approach , 563–64,
566– 67
territori al sovereignty violation, 5 61,
universally condemned offences,
565– 66
Absolute immun ity. See Personal
Absolute univers al jurisdiction, 77–79, 82.
See also Univers al jurisdiction
Abuse of process
abduction as, 563, 564 –66, 567
illegal dep ortation, 564– 65
extrad ition and, 553–54
deportation ci rcumventing, 564– 65
jurisdict ion to remedy, 226
search war rants, 577, 578
Acces sion, 33
Accessory a fter the fact, 721
Crimes Against Humanity an d War
Crim es Act, 30 4–6
extended liability, 710
other modes of par ticipation com-
pared, 710T
child soldiers, 749–52
domestic tri als enhance, 63
internat ional crimes
heinous crime s, 11, 232
Rome Statute, 4, 232
inter-state policing cooperation,
603–4, 606
universal ly condemned offences, 565
Achille Lauro hijac king, 344n93, 412
Act of state defence, 651
additiona l prosecutions, 685– 86
Eichmann trial, 683 –84
functional i mmunity disting uished,
Active pers onality. See Nationality
Actus reus
aiding and abet ting, 316, 718–19
comparison t able, 733T
crime again st humanity, 298–300
conspirac y to commit, 741
incitement to commit , 296, 742
joint crimi nal enterprise, 725
money launderin g, 454
perpetr ation of crime, 316, 731
plannin g offence, 716
Ad hoc criminal tribunals. See UN ad hoc
criminal tribunals
Adminis tration of justice, offences
aga ins t, 310
ICC jurisdict ion, 225–26
Admissibi lity of cases before ICC, 235– 43
subject matter ju risdiction, 225–26
Admissibi lity of evidence. See Evidence
Admissibi lity to Canada, 318–20
Adoption, doctri ne of, 698–99
Afghanistan, Charter application
Afghan Detainees case, 614, 616–17,
631–32, 636–37
Canadia n forces personnel, 340,
613–14, 616–17
Hape case and, 617, 631–39
Khadr ca ses, 6 37–38
Afghanistan Regulat ions (UN), 431
African courts. See Special cour ts of Africa
Aggres sion, crime of, 185–90, 193. See
also Core crim es
actions constituting, 187
CAH Act, mis sing from, 288, 695n237
crime again st peace, 76, 186
def‌initions, 185, 186– 88, 210
differin g character, 186, 189–90
historica l development, 185–86
ICC jurisdiction , 187–88, 225
immunity cl aims, 643, 652, 657,
675–76, 677
Nuremberg Tribuna l, 186, 195–96, 197
prosecution, 189–90
Tok yo Ch art er, 196 –98
Agreement Concer ning Co-operation in
the Civil Internatio nal Space Station
(ISS), 96, 503
Aiding and abet ting, 718–21
accessory a fter the fact, 721
actus reus, 316, 718 –19
complicity dist inguished, 721–22
co-perpet ration compared, 710T, 733T
extended liab ility, 710, 712, 714
genocide, 305, 720–21
joint enterpri se compared, 727–28,
710T, 733T
mens re a, 720
Mungware re ca se, 31 5
omission, b y, 719
other modes of par ticipation com-
pared, 710T
substantial effect, 718
Air India Inq uiry, 411
Aircraft. See also Airspace
hot pursuit of vess els, 94
jurisdic tion over
drug tra ff‌icking, 446
enforcement juri sdiction, 101,
509 –10
hostage-tak ing incidents, 417
ICC, 226
prescript ive jurisdiction, 64
suppression con ventions, 103
nationality, 64, 509
piracy, 342. See also Piracy
slavery, use for, 351–52
terrorism, 409–12
9/11 attacks. See World Trade
Center and Pentagon att acks
(9/ 11)
Air India bom bings, 411
Hague Convention, 4 09–10
Montreal Convention, 410 –11
suppression con ventions, 411–12
Tokyo Convention, 64, 509
torture on, 330, 338
Airport s, terrorism and, 410–11
Airspace. See also Aircraft
extraordina ry rendition and, 568
jurisdict ion, 64, 101, 226, 510
Akayesu c ase, 111–12, 117, 120, 207
Al-Bashir c ase, 3, 215–16, 670, 672n140.
See also Darf ur situation
Allied Control Cou ncil Order No 10, 6, 7,
710T, 711T
Alvarez case, 563 –64
Am nes ty, 74 8
Amnesty Int ernational, 220n160,
569n186, 597n59, 613–14
Ammuniti on. See Arms and ammun ition
Animus furun di, 342
Antarctic Treaty, 81
Antarctic a, crimes committed in, 81
Index 791
Anti-corr uption activity, 400. See also
Corrupti on
Canadia n legislation, 404– 8
Anti-terror ism. See also Terrorism
Canadia n legislation, 430, 434–38
Anti-Terrorism Act, 430, 43 4
extraordina ry rendition and, 569–70
political of fence exception, 359–60
protective princ iple and, 74
Apartheid, 353–55
crime again st humanity, 145, 354–55
internation al crime, as, 20, 37, 328, 353
customar y international law,
354– 55
jus cogen s norm, 327
Apartheid Convention, 211, 353–55
Canada not sig natory, 355
Arab Convention, 359
Arar, Maher, 568, 603
Arbitrar y imprisonment, 136–37
Arctic region, ju risdiction, 64 –65
Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention A ct, 92
Armed conf‌lic ts. See also Arms and
ammunition ; War crimes
existence, 149
forced servic e for hostile power, 160
forcible transfer or dep ortation, 135–36
humanitarian protections, 146–49
internal conf‌licts, 151–54
self determ ination, wars of, 147, 153,
terroris m and, 359
war crime s, nexus, 149–50
international versus internal con-
f‌lict , 151–54
Armed forces. See Military personnel
Armist ice violation, 167
Arms, equ ality of, 572
Arms, lay ing down, 162
Arms an d ammunition. See also Arme d
expandable, w ar crime, 171
illicit manu facture and trading. See
Arms dealing
provision as ai ding and abetting, 721
SA LW. See Small ar ms and light
we apon s (SA LW)
terrorist ac tivities, 396, 426
Arms dea ling, 396–98, 448
Canadia n legislation, 398– 400
criminalization, 398
internat ional law, 396–98
transnational implications, 378
Ar ms Tr ad e Trea ty (ATT), 3 98
Arrest Warrant case, 99, 270–71, 649,
660n86, 664–65, 667
Arrest wa rrants, 77, 215. See also
Enforcement juri sdiction
European Ar rest Warrant, 99n254,
473, 532n9
fugitives, 5 47
ICC, 215, 24 0–41
immunity ratione personae, 647
Yero dia ca se. See Arrest Warrant case
Artif‌ici al islands, juris diction, 91, 92, 510
Asset free zes, 407–8, 428–430, 444, 448,
Asset recover y, 404, 407
Attacks. See al so Armed conf‌lict
civilia n population, against. See Civ il-
ian population , attacks against
crimes aga inst humanity. See Crimes
against humanity
peacekeeping m issions, against, 170,
173, 180–82
protection of person nel, 420–23
pirate attac ks. See Piracy
terrorist at tacks. See Terrorism; World
Trade Center and Pentagon
attacks (9/11)
war crime s. See War cri mes
Attempt to commit cr ime, 121, 742–43
other modes of par ticipation com-
pa red, 711T
Attorney Genera l of Canada
consent to pros ecution
extrater ritorial, 306, 511–13
foreign ships, 90, 92, 93, 94
Crimes Aga inst Humanity Fund,
payments out, 310
extrad ition, initiation, 547, 559
proceeds of cr ime, reciprocal agree-
ments, 456
Australi a, 437, 572
Aut dedere aut judic are, 21–22, 103–4,
370–72, 532. See also Extrad ition
Cold War and, 266
Cybercrime Convention, 470
extradite or pro secute, 103, 370, 403,
531n 6

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