Appendix 7: Abstracted Studies

AuthorJames G. Wigmore
 7
Abstracted Studies
    (reference number in bold parentheses)
, ., . , . , .. , . , . ,  . .
“Perceived Health Ef‌fects of Vaping Among Hungarian Adult E-Cigarette–
Only and Dual Users: A Cross-Sectional Internet Survey.BMC Public Health,
:  (pp),  (50706)
, .,  . . “Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking: What is the Evi-
dence That it Supports Nicotine/Tobacco Dependence?” Tobacco Control, :
i–i,  (60419)
, .., .. ’-,  . . “Toxic and Carcinogenic
Agents in Undiluted Mainstream Smoke and Sidestream Smoke of Dif‌ferent
Types of Cigarettes.Carcinogenesis, : –,  (40602)
, ., .  ,  . . “Dif‌ferences Between Dual Users
and Switchers Center Around Vaping Behavior and Its Experiences Rather
than Beliefs and Attitudes.International Journal of Environmental Research
and Public Health, :  (pp),  (50705)
, ., . , . ,  . . “Self-Identif‌ied Tobacco Use and
Harm Perceptions Among US Youth.” Pediatrics, : (pp),  (50624)
, ., .. , ... , .. , .. ,  ..
. “Simultaneous Cannabis and Tobacco Use and Cannabis- Related Out-
comes in Young Women.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence, : –,  (60904)
, ., . -, . , . , . , . -,
 .   . “Four Years’ Follow Up at a Smoking Cessation
Clinic.” Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia, : –,  (70220)
Abstracted Studies | 753
, ., .. , . ,  . . “Dif‌fuse Alveolar
Hemorrhage Induced by Vaping.Case Reports in Pulmonology, : (pp),
 (50421)
, ., . ,  . . “Smoking and the Risk of Type  Diabetes in
Japan: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Journal of Epidemiology, :
–,  (40510)
, .., . , ... , .. ,  .. . “Water-
pipe Smoking as a Public Health Risk: Potential Risk for Transmission of
MERS-CoV.Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, : –,  (60423)
-, ..,  . . “Questionnaire and Hair Measurement of
Exposure to Tobacco Smoke.” Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental
Epidemiology, : –,  (30503)
, ., .. , .. ,  .. . “The Emerging Role
of Smoking in the Development of Pancreatitis.Pancreatology, : –,
 (40516)
, ., . , . ,  .. . “Risky Business: A Longitudinal
Study Examining Cigarette Smoking Initiation Among Susceptible and Non-
Susceptible E-Cigarette Users in Canada.BMJ Open, : (pp),  (50617)
, .,  . . “Molecular Mechanisms for Nicotine Intoxication.”
Neurochemistry International, : –,  (10305)
, -.,  , . “Could Social Bots Pose a Threat to Public Health?”
American Journal of Public Health, : –,  (50117)
, ., . ,  . . “Community-Acquired Pneumonia Among
Smokers.Archivos de Bronconeumologia, : –,  (80303)
, .., .. ,  .. . “A Study of Pyrazines in Cigarettes
and How Additives Might be Used to Enhance Nicotine Addiction.Tobacco
Control, : –,  (70105)
, ., . , .. -, . , . , . -
, . , . -, . , . -, . ,
-. , . , ..  -, . , .. -,
 . . “Assessment of the Inf‌luence of Direct Tobacco Smoke
on Infection and Active TB Management.Public Library of Science One, :
e (pp),  (80307)
, ., . , . ,  .. . “Association Between Elec-
tronic Cigarette Use and Myocardial Infarction.American Journal of Preventive
Medicine, : –,  (50434)
. “E-Cigarettes: Public Health England’s Evidence-Based Confusion
[Editorial].Lancet, : ,  (50445)
754 | Wigmore on Nicotine and Its Drug Delivery Systems
. “Nicotine Poisoning in Calf.” Canadian Journal of Comparative Medi-
cine and Veterinary Science, : ,  (10426)
, ., .. , . , . , . , . ,  .
. “Cigarettes, Little Cigars, and Cigarillos: Initiation, Motivation, and
Decision-Making.Nicotine and Tobacco Research, : S–S,  (60212)
, ., . , . , . ,  .. . “Acute
Ef‌fects of Electronic Cigarette Inhalation on the Vasculature and the Con-
ducting Airways.” Cardiovascular Toxicology, : –,  (10316)
, ..., . , .. , ... , . , .. , . ,
.. , . , . , . , . , . , . ,
.. , . , .. , .. ,  .. .
“Menthol Cigarette Smoking and Obesity in Young Adult Daily Smokers in
Hawaii.Preventive Medicine Reports, : –,  (40309)
, ., . , . , . , . ,  . . “Evaluation of
the Distribution of Nicotine Intravenous Injection: An Adult Autopsy Case
Report with a Review of Literature.International Journal of Legal Medicine,
: –  (30602)
, ..,  .. . “Minimum Ages of Legal Access for Tobacco in
the United States From  to .American Journal of Public Health Law,
: –,  (40801)
, ...,  .. . “From Plant to Waste: The Long and Diverse
Impact Chain Caused by Tobacco Smoking.” International Journal of Environ-
mental Research and Public Health, :  (pp),  (70321)
 ., .., . ,  .. . “Environmental Tobacco Smoke
and Periodontal Disease in the United States.American Journal of Public
Health, : –,  (40613)
, .., . , . , . , . , . , .
,  . . “E-Cigarette Blast Injury: Complex Facial Fractures
and Pneumocephalus.Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, : –,
 (80214)
, .., .. , .. , .. , .. ,  ..
. “Absorption and Metabolism of Nicotine from Cigarettes.British
Medical Journal, : –,  (20103)
, .., . , . , . , .. ,  .. .
“Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia Following Electronic Cigarette Use.” Respira-
tory Medicine Case Reports, : (pp),  (50422)
, .., .. , .. , ... , .. , ..
,  .. . “An Online Survey of Family Members’ Beliefs
and Attitudes About Smoking and Mental Illness.Journal of Dual Diagnosis,
: –,  (80805)

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