
AuthorFrederica Wilson; Melanie Mallet
Aborigina l culture
integral prac tices/traits of, –
model of, –
Aborigina l Justice Implementation Com-
mission (AJIC), , , 
Aborigina l Justice Inquiry (AJI), –,
, –, 
Aborigina l Justice Inquiry–Chi ld Wel-
fare Initiati ve (AJI–CWI), ,
–, –
change drivers,  –, 
Métis instit utions, building of by
Manitoba Metis Found ation
(MMF), –
organizationa l capacity, role of
in, 
political w ill in, –
relationships, role of in,  –
change process mi lestones, –
conceptual pla n, –
implementation plan, deta iled, 
Joint Management Commit tee
(JMC), –
organizationa l structure, – 
public consultation,  
“Promise of Hope: Commit-
ment to Change,” 
general, –, – 
governance tran sformations, –
Child Protect ion Branch, 
future of, 
“Joint Intake and Respon se Unit”
(JIRU), 
powers and duties, rea llocation of,
Regional Transfer Tables, 
resources, real location of, 
service sys tem transformation,
workforce adjustment,  –
historical bac kground of, –
environmental fa ctors, impact of,
organizationa l capacity, building
of, 
political w ill, building of, –
Aborigina l Justice Implementa-
tion Commission (AJIC),
Aborigina l Justice Inquiry
(AJI), –
Indian Chi ld Welfare Sub-
Committee a nd early
tripart ite agreements,
Kimmelma n Report, –

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