The Mandatory Mediation Experiment by Justice

the mandatory mediation experiment
The Mandatory Mediation
 1994  , I had the good fortune to be part
of the Ontario Civil Justice Review Task Force chaired
by the Hon Mr Justice Robert Blair. Later, in January
, I was appointed the rst Case Management Master
for the Province of Ontario and oversaw the implementa-
tion of two of the Task Force’s principal recommenda-
tions; namely, civil case management, and the mandatory
referral of all civil cases in the Superior Court of Justice
in Ottawa. I do not propose to expound on the merits of
mediation, as I expect other authors in this text will do so.
I simply want to give some context to the introduction of
mandatory mediation in Ontario civil cases.
The experiment with mandatory mediation
   mediation began as a practice
direction drafted by me with the help of Ottawa lawyers
and mediators. It was based on the successful pilot project
in court-connected alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
located on Grenville Street in Toronto in . e Ottawa
Practice Direction later led to the enactment of Ontario
Rule ., the Mandatory Mediation Rule.

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