Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice

- Publisher:
- University of Toronto Press
- Publication date:
- 2009-05-21
- 1707-7753
- Copyright:
- COPYRIGHT TV Trade Media, Inc.<br/>COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
Issue Number
Latest documents
- The role of gender in mental health court admission and completion.
- L'influence therapeutique de la perception de justice informationnelle et interpersonnelle sur les symptomes de stress post-traumatique des victimes de crimes.
- Experiences in the Canadian criminal justice system for individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: double jeopardy?
- Measuring activism and restraint: an alternative perspective on the Supreme Court of Canada's exclusion of evidence decisions under section 24(2) of the Charter.
- From seeds to orchards: using evidence-based policing to address Canada's policing research needs.
- Response to Jochelson and Murchison.
- Measuring activism and restraint or how to conflate doctrine with activism: a response to Professor Riddell's small-scale judicial output study.
- Book reviews/Recensions de livres: January/janvier 2016.
- Books received/Livres recus: January/janvier 2016.
- Delinquent displays and social status among adolescents.
Featured documents
- Beyond frequency: perceived realism and the CSI effect.
- L'influence therapeutique de la perception de justice informationnelle et interpersonnelle sur les symptomes de stress post-traumatique des victimes de crimes.
- Re-defining environmental harms: green criminology and the state of Canada's hemp industry.
- Unintended consequences of multiple bail conditions for youth.
- The role of gender in mental health court admission and completion.
- Stigmatized among the stigmatized: sex offenders in Canadian penitentiaries.
- Whither restorativeness? Restorative justice and the challenge of intimate violence in aboriginal communities.
- Mesure de la complexite de lecture des formulaires de declaration et de renonciation aux droits pour adolescents quebecois.
- Why steal cars? A study of young offenders involved in auto theft.
- Measuring activism and restraint: an alternative perspective on the Supreme Court of Canada's exclusion of evidence decisions under section 24(2) of the Charter.