
AuthorJohn Eaton; Denis Le May
ProfessionLibrarian & Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba/Avocat, Barreau du Québec, Conseiller à la documentation en droit (1975?2006) et Chargé de cours, Faculté de droit, Université Laval
The provision of payment to former and retired employees comes in a variety of forms, all
of which are often collectively referred to as pensions. There are public pensions, such as
the Canada Pension Plan, to which all workers in Canada contribute (the exception being in
Québec where the Québec Pension Plan stands in its place), and the Old Age Pension, the
benef‌it of which is conferred upon all Canadians upon reaching the age of 65 years. These
are federal schemes and are governed by federal legislation. There are also private pensions
from employers or by way of self-contributed schemes (e.g., RSPs). This topic is one of mixed
jurisdiction in that pensions are largely provincial in domain, but there are signif‌icant agree-
ments between the provinces and federal government and there is pension legislation in each
of the provinces. Related topics: EMPLOYMENT LAW, LABOUR LAW, TAXATION (INCOME
Réalité de plus en plus importante, compte tenu du vieillissement de la population, la retraite
se situe au carrefour de plusieurs questions juridiques. Les régimes publics (fédéraux comme
provinciaux) participent d’une politique de sécurité sociale. Les régimes privés empruntent et
complètent les règles des ASSURANCES ; ils font l’objet d’un CONTRAT, parfois d’un contrat
nommé, appelé rente, s’insèrent souvent dans un projet de planif‌ication f‌iscale (voir : FISCA-
LITÉ) et deviennent objets de SUCCESSIONS.
Mercer Human Resource
Consul ting
The Mercer Pension Manua l Crswl (LL)
Albert, Jean-Paul et Simon
Guide sur le partage des régimes de retraite au
Québec, 2e éd.
CCH 2007
Albert, Jean-Paul Guide sur les régimes de retraite et les avanta-
ges sociaux au Québec
CCH 2006
Kapl an, Ari N. Pension Law Irwin 2006
Seller, Susan G. Federal Pension Leg islation, 2006–07 ed . CLB 2006
Knight, Jamie, and
Matthew Vella
Canada Pension Plan Act and Québec
Pension Plan Act: A Quick Reference, 20 05
Crswl 2005
Francis, Heidi H., and
Christel Fr ancis
“Pensions and Retirement Benef‌its” in vol.
25, title 108 of the Canadian Encyclopedic
Digest (Onta rio)
Crswl 1997

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